Period Troubles?

I havent gotter my period scence December. I started closing year. I just started gym class too and I am slightly stressed (if that money anything.) I am NOT pregnant or on birth control or other meds. Anybody know why? :( Thanks.

Answers:    Have you just started getting your spell? If you had purely started, you're not going to be getting it regularly once a month. It will take some time for your body to procure into a pattern. I intuitively was drastically irregular for at least a year past they actually come once a month. Now I know my body, I spot the signs for when I'm going to start. And I even know if it's going to be a long painful interval, of short virtually painless.
Well to be honest it DOES sound close to you're pregnant. Stress may cause delay in a time of year, but not for more than 1 day lol. You should ask a doctor. Well i get my period give or take a few a year ago too but its coming normally. during the first few months it be a little rotten so i decided to ask my doctor and he said it be perfectly fine. Some girls go and get their second period roughly a year later than their first term. Since your new to the undamaged period bussiness resembling me, your menstrual cycle isnt regulated yet.
Theres nought to worry just about. If you have any more concerns you should ask your doctort.

Hope i help!
go to the dr.. bring back on the pill and it will regulate your periods. I have to in HS its basically normal
It's lately hormones..things will settle down when you get elder and your periods will become more regulare. No worries!! But if you still enjoy concerns, contact your doctor about it.

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