Birth control is the IUD the best choice?

ok I gave birth to a wondurful son I plan on getting contained by birth control and I also want something that will last long!! I hear about the 5yr IUD but im also consern that they say aloud u have to hold only one partner and that here are girls that have have it and that still end up pregnant and lose it becouse the IUD get stuck to there plasenta is adjectives of thet true or do u think I should consider other birth control

Answers:    Most women who attain IUDs are in monogamous, long-term relationships. If you're not, an IUD will bring to the fore your risk of STDs. If a doctor is willing to dispense you one, and you have more than one sex partner, or you're serially monogamous within short relationships, you will need to use condoms respectively time you have intercourse until you're surrounded by a committed relationship.

Yes, the IUD can slip out of place and/or be expelled surrounded by some women, but this is unusual: "Following insertion, the IUS may be expelled through the cervix. An expulsion rate of 4% was observed contained by the manufacturer's clinical trials, with most (3%) occurring contained by the first year of use. Expulsion is more common within younger women, women who have not have children, and when an IUS is inserted immediately after childbirth or abortion."

("IUS" way IntraUterine System. It's another way of describing an IUD.)

An IUD may perforate the uterus, but this, too, is unusual. Having a doctor who have inserted many of them do your procedure will lessen your probability of this.

The Mirena IUD is the most reliable reversible form of birth control. It's over 99% effective against pregnancy. (The diaphragm have an 84% effectiveness rate surrounded by the first year.)

The Mirena can cause bulk gain, lower libido, and mood changes, and some doctors comment on over these possible side effects. It may also make your period lighter and less frequent. Some women stop have their periods altogether after have one inserted.

Talk over your options beside your doctor. Good luck with your declaration.
i certainly wouldnt use it i suggest another selection.
the pill an condom
implanon (a rod placed in your arm ful of slowly released hormones)
or diaphram
I hear a story once about a woman (a friend of a friend) who get pregnant with one and the babe came out holding it surrounded by his hand. I estimate the cases of actually getting pregnant when you enjoy one are pretty rare though and at hand have be some advancements within IUDs recently. Just check beside your doctor or search for the value of IUDs. I would say they recommend merely one partner to prevent STDs. This looks like a accurate site to check out This and more is true. I've seen women next to terrific scarring until the were sterile, surgery to remove it, horrible distress that takes time to amount out why and the list go all the track to a hysterectomy. When I was choosing a bc method, I researched them adjectives. What I came up next to was the diaphragm. It works in need hormones so you don't end up next to these huge Natzi hormones overthrowing and controlling your natural cycle. It's close to a female condom, you can't surface or see it and neither can he. You put a little spermicide on the rim, which seal it and kills any trouble maker. If you follow directions as to how to use it and do so exactly, it's as effective as the pill, on the pregnancy module, perhaps better. The doctor will fit you to gain the right size and to show you how to put it in and remove it. It's easier than to remember to bear a pill everyday when you’re not gonna have sex everyday. You newly have to remember it when you’re going to enjoy sex. If you forget it, of course it doesn’t work at adjectives. If periods are an issue concerning sex, it won't be anymore. The diaphragm holds the blood over night. It be my favorite bc method. However like the pill, it doesn't protect against std's, or the possibility of getting a disease that will assassinate you.
physicians assistant

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