Should I find a Vitamin B shot? I already run multivitamins, plus B vitamin Complex, STILL sluggish!?

I'm just wondering what is the difference between b vitamin shot and b vitamin pills? I purloin a B-Vitamin Complex and it's like taking zilch. My diet is not the best, but it's a lot better than it use to be. I enjoy lowered processed foods, cut out soda, exercise (moderately) and increased my water intake. I've gone to the doctor, done blood test, my thyroid etc is "normal" even though I seem to own a lot of hypothyroid symptoms. Although I'm 31, I do enjoy high cholesterol (I uncommonly eat fried foods, butter etc!). I am really desperate for dash, when I have verve, my life basically works better, my home and my appearance are better, I have more time and self-control with my little girl. I don't know what else to try.

Answers:    In reguards to the B shots, you don't entail to do that. If you lack spirit you are on the right track in limiting the processed foods. Eliminate as much processed food as you can. Look up the ingredients and the additives surrounded by those foods and you will see how damaging they are to the body.
If you supplement, move about to your nearest health food store and by your vitamins because you want a automatic vitamin and not a synthetic. Did you know that less than partly of a synthetic vitamin can be used by the body? The rest of the synthetic vitamin remains in you and floats around, over time becomming toxic. Look up synthetic vs unconscious vitamin.
For energy, start to liquid. Get yourself a good christen brand juicer and juice adjectives your vegetables. They have recipe books included. Not individual is it healthy for you, you will see an increase contained by energy. I own one and I have joie de vivre to spare at the end of the sunshine. I know others who feel one and the same way.
Butter is flawless for you because the body need and uses the drenched fat. The worst point you can do is eat margarine. It is a synthetic, flavored, spread and remains surrounded by the body because its only a molecule away from mortal a plastic. You are storing that spread inside you.
Last, if you are over weight, a colon cleanse will facilitate you. It's the intestines that absorb what you drink including all nutrients. The results of your pains depends on a properly functioning intestine.
Eat healthy and just natural foods and you and your little girl will be the ones that benefit.
You can find adjectives this information on the web.
b vitamin shots are time released to ending anywhere from a week to a month or two. Your problem may not lie surrounded by B vitamin deficiancy. You could have muscle, or skeletal problems. If you own symptoms of hypothyroid then there's almost a million other things it could be. ie. neurological problem, depression anxiety, sleep problem, iron deficiancy, etc... go to sport shop and want advice proffesionaly
You could own a systemic candida problem. If you want to send me your email address, I can distribute you some info.
Hmmm. First of all, copious people next to small children are keep that contained by mind!

I assume the doctor did a full blood panel, so you're sure you're not anemic or diabetic? If these things weren't checked, you should get them checked. I would review your diet again and bring in sure you are getting enough protein and drinking satisfactory water. Then you might keep hold of a diary of food, sleep, and exercise and try to see whether anything correlates with the days you enjoy less force. If your child is waking up at darkness, that could be draining all by itself.

If you find that anything connects, move about back to the doctor next to that information. If you can get referral to alternative practioners (a naturopath, an acupuncturist) and can afford it, that might help. Otherwise, I'd ask yourself whether you could possibly be depressed--that really cuts into your vivacity.

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