Is it ok if i use these products to treat a possible yeast infection?
can it harmful to use these products
and will they sustain?
Answers: oh my gosh, do not use those things on your girl parts. A yeast infection thrives on abnormal pH of your vagina, and those two things will mess the pH up even more, and take home the infection worse. YIKES! Go to the store and get monistat or similar over the counter yeast cream. If that does not hold care of the problem, you entail to see your doctor. Do not douche, or use peroxide, or vinegar down there. Don't use vagisil cream any, or any scented soaps or deoderants. Always wear cotton crotch panties and try not to wear tight fitting pant. That will help too.
No no no!! Please don't use that! Go to the store and buy a yeast infection apparatus. That stuff could kill your worthy bacteria and set off you worse off than formerly! These products will not help. In certainty they can make it worse. Vinegar is the overriding agent in douches, and douching too much can effect a yeast infection. Go to the store and get some monistat.