Hey! I've be fear really bloated lately and...?
For the past week I've be feeling bloated...I am drinking resembling a whole lot of wet now and I took 2 alka-seltzer tablets and I do progress to the bathroom to do #2 once in a while, but I don't fart as much as I meditate I should be letting out...I haven't had my term yet and it should be coming some time this month, but my facade and my body feels bloated..similar to I feel resembling I've gained roughly speaking 3 pounds to say the smallest...why? Why? I'm slim, but shapely and even boobs feel bigger...im 18 by the means of access..and I usually don't get bloated in the past my period
Answers: Say hello to Mr. Period!
Hi PMS anxiety?
Does anybody else find serious munchies only until that time your length, and during it you grain really bloated?
Please relief.anybody?
Please permit me know whether nearby is any exersice to increase size of breast?
My first time?!??!?!!??!?Whenever I shave my pubic pelt I take these itchy/painful red bumps...get any solutions for me?
Pelvis Ultrasound? I don't comprehend the directions that I am given..?
Period...ladies just plzz!!??
I am 14...?