My vagina stings when i pee!?

why does this happen its be goin for 3 days now and it hurts

Would an INFERTILE woman still take her monthly menses?

You have a bladder infection (UTI). Go to the doctor and capture on antibiotics.

Itchy Vagina?

Im no Dr. But i would say to be precise bad.

I havent gotten my interval lately.. I used to get it regularly but very soon its stopped .. Is something wrong?

I dont know...but it doesnt sound moral

Questions for girls only please?

maybe u hold an infection.

Girls please help!!!?

could be a bladder infection. Make a doctors appointment, but in the anticipate time, drink cranberry juice and dampen.

Could she just be developing?

You could own cystitus. Go to your doctor and he will give you something for it. My 7 year matured daughter used to get this.

How to give an account when a female is aroused?

this is usually a sign for STD.

you should check near a doctor immediately.

Tummy tuck grill.?

Could be a UTI, urinary tract infection or an STD.
Time to go to a doctor.

Breast Question?

You may hold a bladder infection. See a doctor.

Im scared and inevitability help!?

It sounds as though you hold an infection. Go and get a check up beside the doc.

Vignal bleeding for months what can be wrong?

You may well own a urinary tract infection. Drink plenty of cranberry juice for immediately, and head to the doctor surrounded by the morning to get some antibiotics.

Best of luck to you,

I call for to stop biting my nails!!?

You own cystitus. drink lots of cranberry juice x

I took the morning after pill the year after I finished my period (April 25th), 2 hours after I have sex.?

Could be a urinary infection. Get some penicillin!

Am i fat because my grandad think i am.?

sounds like a urinary tract infection, better attain to the doc right away.

Period problems?

Ask your doctor.

You might have a urinary tract infection. I've hear that is most adjectives for "stinging pee."

How much am I suppost to weigh?

you need to see a doctor sounds similar to you have an ifection of some sort

Should i mowe my prairie or not.?

you have a dampen infection, possibly cystitis. go see the pharmacist. if it doesnt clear and the distress moves to the back nr the kidneys later you have a kidney infection. i'd shift get summat asap as they can really really hurt.

How long does it hold the depo shot to take effect?

next time try to use condoms :D lol

Safe sex after monthly cycle?

ooougghh! dont idle away your time here and go see a doctor!

How do doctors execute it when you want to have your tubes tied?


Yeah, afraid you hold the clap.
Go see a doctor.

I have a bladder infection.HELP!?

sound approaching a UTI urinary tract infection. drink lots of cranberry juice and jump to the drug store and ask the pharmasist , also your dr can give you an antibiotic, some women take them all the time it's no biggie, but whip care of it or you could capture a kidney infection.

Can you be preganant with adjectives the symtoms and have your spell?

most prob a water infection cystitis, see the doc or cranberry liquid. usually works.

I have a sore breast?

It's urinary tract infection. Better bring back a batch of antibiotics from your doctor.

How can I grasp my breasts bigger?

I think you might enjoy infection, cystitis. I've had impossible to tell apart problem. Get to your doctor asap and drink lots of water within the meantime.
Hope you feel better soon.

Whats wrong next to me!?

urinary infection or STD
make a appointment beside your doctor and get it checked out
until afterwards drink lots of water

What are the probability of preganacy if nuva ring slips out?

You have the Fruggle Uuglious. See a doc.

Sweating problem? relieve?

you may have a urinary tract infection (UTI) most are solitary treated with antibiotics resembling bactrim. You may want to go to the doctors

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