
if you use a tampon while you are a virgin, will it pop your cherry? i havent started yet but i am on the swim troop and its a good point to know :D. And if it does, does it hurt reallly bad?

Answers:    You don't own anything down there that "pops". It ain't a danged balloon, and it doesn't resemble a cherry surrounded by any way. It's basically a little membrane inside the entrance of the vagina. It doesn't even cover the integral thing.

Hymens are quite elastic. You can bring back a tampon past it in need tearing it, if you'll basically take it comfortable and not force things. Start with the smallest available tampon first.
Yes, that and self very athletic can too :D It shouldn't hurt. Most women who pop theirs lacking sex don't feel it :) No, not other. It depends on how big the tampon is and how far you can stretch. I've worn a tampon and it didn't pop my cherry.
It might, but losing your hemen is not a big deal. You can't recount if your a virgin if you lose it because masturbating, tampons and everyday wear and tear can affect it. No it will not hurt! Don't verbs! You wont feel a entry! Yes, a tampon will usually tear your hymen. Very few women in truth don't tear their hymens contained by this modern age before sex unless they own sex first when they are very infantile.

Hymens can be very transparent or very strong. The stronger ones hurt when they slit.

Tearing your hymen is not the same piece as losing your virginity.
it could, but you'd still be a virgin until you have sex. It's possible that wearing a tampon and mortal very athletic can scratch your hymen
it might and no it doesn't hurt Yes the hymen, or the covering over the vagina can be broken very easly ecpessaly during puberty while inserting the tampon.
Your hymen can be ruptured from riding a bicycle or a horse, or a short time ago by being involved. in today's world it is pretty meaningless if your "cherry" is broken earlier you actually do the action. trust me, HE won't know the difference. wouldnt ur hymen needed to be "popped" first in demand for the blood to come out? Dont worry in the region of it; no one can make clear to if they have popped it or not when u budge to have sex; it might already be broken adjectives on its own. The only point that breaking it would cause is a tad bit a bleeding, I don`t know, but if ur on ur period, what does that business anyway?? :-P
It CAN pop your cherry, but not usually.

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