Anyone have a tummy tuck? is it really precarious?

I am thinking of going to Malaysia or Thailand for a tummy tuck and also a breast lift. I enjoy lost 50kgs and have so much extra skin. I am a moment or two scared because of the horror stories on the web (although i am sure there are correct ones out there too).
Want to hear from anyone who have had this operation or another surrounded by malaysia.

Answers:    I also lost a lot of mass (85 kgs), and had an excessive amount of excess skin, so I approved to get a tummy tuck and a breast lift/augmentation. In the States, this procedure is VERY expensive, so I go to South America, and had it done surrounded by November of 2006. I was markedly surprised to find out how smooth everything went for me. Due to the generous amount of skin that had to be removed, the surgery last a total of SEVEN hours. However, my recovery/recuperation was a dream come true. I be sent home from the hospital the next year, and I had a private nurse for 3 days, who help me with bathing, and going to the bathroom. However, by the third morning of being on complete bedrest, I be ready to be up on my foot. Don't get me wrong; it is sensitive - of course it is!! Your body is human being cut!! However, the end result is so worth any discomfort! My tummy is so flat!! I couldn't be happier...basically make sure you do your research on the surgeons you are looking into. NOT ALL SURGEONS HAVE THE SAME QUALIFICATIONS!

As a side entry: two months after having my tummy tuck done, I get pregnant, and I was petrified that adjectives of the money that I spent getting the surgery done was in the order of to go down the drain because I be sure that my tummy would stretch out to its original size due to the kid. I am very at ease to report that as soon as my son was born, my stomach go right back to its flat self! Having the tummy tuck and breast lift/augmentation is the best article I have ever done for myself!
Based on what I've see about this procedure on robustness related programs on television one of the risks near this procedure is that of infection.

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