What is the best humane of birth control pill?

was on the pill and within June 20007 i decided to stop taking them. I am a short time ago started on the pill again 1 week ago and 2 days ago i had a breakdown. I cried for 3 hours for no drive at all and at first thought going on for killing myself (but when away after discussion to one of my friends). Someone told me that the pill can do that cause a chemical disparity due of the estrogen level is that true? if it help i am taking tri-cyclen. What pill would be the best? HELP!! I don't want to go through that situation AGAIN!! Oh and a moment ago to be clear the reason i am chitchat the birth control is NOT because i am sexually active because i am NOT and never be well singular once, it is because if i wasn't on the pill i would have my term all the time it would be never climax. When i stopped in June it be regular until now it started to walk on for more then a week. what would be the best pill or is near other option other after the pill that would regulate my period and won't motive you to go crazy?

Answers:    Talk to your doctor something like. Different people enjoy different reactions to medication. I have hear that Yaz is great for moods and emotions. Just natter to your doctor and tell him adjectives of your complaints with this one and they should be capable of find one that will work for you. Hope this helps.
sounds resembling you are definetely having some hormonal imbalance and difficult problems. I would definetely seek the guidance of a gynecologist asap. They should relief you see all of the option, better than we could, ask about the different types of patch. Good Luck! I'm on Yaz.. and its doing exactly what the tri-cyclen is doing for you... nothing at adjectives except making you crazy, the only piece for you to do is keep your option open..try taking this up beside the gyno and see if he/she recommends going on a different pill, or conceivably just present it time.. Things need a bit time before they start to work.. honest luck girly.
I agree with one of the previous posters. Yaz seem to be the best for me. It relieves the usual pms symptons + other symptons like moodiness. It works miracles for that time of month!

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