Miscarried at 21weeks told dr i think my water is leakin he says no its most likely pee.u think his fault?
Answers: :[ sorry
& yeah, probably is-esp. since you know yourself, right??.
im not sure if there is anything you can do but just so you know im 30 weeks pregnant and had some watery stuff leaking around 27/28 wks and told them i know its not discharge. they instantly checked me with a pelvic exam. like i said i dont know if you have a leg to stand on here but i would probably look into that if i were you. contact an attorney for a free consultation So sorry to hear that. I started leaking amniotic fluid just before 32 weeks and it was straight into hospital and strict bed rest - however went into labour a few days later which is quite common. My pregnancy was a lot further on so have a healthy daughter, but I really feel for what you have gone through. I think the doctor should have taken you seriously, investigated and sent you straight into hospital.
witnesses that r not his friends or employees?
find a lawyer and sue for wrongful death, malpractice, pain and suffering, etc.
can't afford it? find a pro bono attorey.