Would 1200 dollars be plenty to travel and start over?

I just bought a 3000 toyota camry got into an misfortune yesterday and it will cost 1600 to fix. I'm at a cross road with my life, if I spend the money to fix I'll enjoy nothing left save and be living with my parents with no brief. if I dont spend it, Ill have 1200 left to find something. I discern really empty in my natural life and working a boring job in exotic jersey bergen county at a bank or food store is not my idea of a vivacity. Also being at home and not affording anything. But 1200 isn't much of a foundation either I don't want to over deduce things so much but I'm 22 years old, single girl that never felt more clueless and clean. And I know staying at home will drive me nuts but I don't have a career or a devotion. I need to find what I want and I feel close to I've wasted 22 years already I don't want to waste anymore. we are adjectives different people and nothing is ever ideal but I just want to get an concept of something I'd like to do and feel confident that I can do it. and be proud of me, these are things I never grasped and state of mind I never allowed myself to have. After two failed long relationships, a suicide attempt, drugs, and an over dose on zest drinks (dont even ask about that one, the amount of caffine and other crap in those little 5 hour drinks made my hand, feet, and jaw stir nump) I'm done with trying to escape. I just want to wallow in for once and stop dreading tomorrow. I mean its not a curse its a blessing to be here, and I always loose verbs of that because living in rutheford New Jersey were I grew up and still awareness so small in a world so big makes me like a cat on hot bricks to take the step and grow up, causes me to over regard as and not relax and enjoy. I already said yes to my brother to tell the guy to fix the vehicle, I'm not sure if after I can sell it. I just want to be free from my mind and be lively. **** that shouldn't be so hard. I don't know..

Answers:    You should fix your car... It's your mechanism of transportation and I'm sure it's a nice car and you want it to stay that way. You're a short time ago 22... You've got so much ahead of you! And remember, you have to crawl beforehand you walk. Those boring jobs are molding you for the adjectives and, not to mention they are a means of income that can aide you in good money. Those feelings you're having are typical. Give yourself some time. You'll figure out what you want to do in vivacity. Enjoy being young, because when your youth is gone, it's gone! Good luck and God speed!.
You've already stated to the mechanic (rather your brother to report to your mechanic) to fix the car, so in actuality you enjoy a lot less than 1200 dollars.

You can do anything you set your mind to. Fix the sports car, and find work somewhere else.

Did you graduate high school? Have you be to college? You aren't going to find a thing that supports you well lacking a diploma or good college eduction. $1200 isn't going to get you massively far. Consider enlisting in the military to get hold of college money and advance your life. You can other start over.
Get what you want, and want the right things.

Fix or replace the car, get work. Get better work. Learn.
Life can be unyielding, but you can can always keep going..
It is more than you obligation if you want to travel to IRAN. some of travel agencies and tour operators like Revealing Persia (http://revealingpersia.com/) minister to you tow have a good trip and delight in your times. Military..
how did you get you hands on a year 3000 toyota camry? $10,000 would be surefire,
1200 is too low to survive.
as soon as I read "New Jersey" I thought about telling you to hand down right away, but $1200 isn't much money at all. yes.
no you need more money consequently that! u probably need a bit more than that.
oh ****! were on like peas in a pod boat, same age, same feelings... didnt try suicide attempts and stuff you said though.
and hell no, 1200 aint enough. did you right to be heard ur workin in a bank? dont qiut that opportunity yet unless you have ample money to use or you can find a replacement job immediately! that better than no work at adjectives!
well, i think youre shituation is better consequently than mine coz u have a car, me im still struggling to achieve a f***** license!

I did it on less!! I took a bus from south florida, 500 miles away to Jacksonville. Once i got here i found a cheap apartment and put down the first months rent. Then i had about 300$ departed. i bought some food and then applied to get into institution. It was about 50$ to procure enrolled and take test for school. What i had not here lasted me until i got a career and i could pay my rent, put a down payment on a coup??, and go to school. Yes 10,000$ would be nice, but it isnt a a nessesity.
Now i am almost finished next to school and i have moved on my own again. I would not transmute anything about what i did. Yes i struggled and Yes it was strong. But i did it without turning to drugs or selling my stuff or doing anything i shouldnt do. People told me to join the military too. Yes, they extend direction to people who dont have any. but they also prey on inhabitants with no direction so they can get them to affiliate. Not because thats where they should be, but because they are lost. Only join the military if thats what you really want and not singular because you are lost.

You can find yourself and where you are supposed to be on your own, i know... i did it. You want to be free- you can be free anywhere if you are happy. So find what make you happy. .
haha.. well you've be through some stuff but whatever.. look on the bright side i guess.. you can still do a lot of things near your life.. personally i wouldn't move off all that in your olden to get destroyed.. but. i think yes you can start untried.. buy an apt for like 400 a month.. then the travel fare.. all right you can pull that off.. find cheap flights or anything.. or get a ride.. work your way around that.. but besides that.. i'd right to be heard you're not in bad position.. and like mad of people have worse lives.. but hey you enjoy a lot of problems which means seriously of solutions to look at.. and possibility's to explore. i know it's hard when you're mentally drained like that but anything.. **** happens move on.. from what i see you're fine.. and you're gonna return with better.. i just say.. doesn`t matter what you do.. do it all the way.. and swot from it if you were wrong or right.. or you can also just hang about out the rain until things clear up Sounds like you call for a fresh start... You're to young to live like this (not living at all)..
You should acquire a plan together (maybe even moving away from North Bergen (I've lived there before... so I understand).. Look into cities that don't hold a high cost of living and an open brief market (the best for what US has to proffer for now anyway)...
Might I suggest Dallas, TX (not only bc I live her), but I consider Dallas a great place for infantile people to get on their foot. Up North is so fast paced that if you're not on the boat you miss it.
****Remember**** you're world is not over because you wrecked you saloon, you're 22 and your life is just launch... You need to take control of your enthusiasm and do what you want. If that means stepping out on faith beside $1200.00 and a dream... girl go for it. You may spend 1999 dollars before you receive it, but it's time to grow up... Hope this helps;-) .
try going back to university i use to feel like that i go back to school in a minute i have a great job, great coworkers, b/f, oh and brand unmarked civic, which i love, etc.but $1200 wont even buy you a month or two's rent...maybe take partially and go on a weekend trip and come back beside a clear head and figure out what it is you want to do... You entail some direction in your life... might i suggest chitchat to some military recruiters. It has worked wonders for a guy i used to work with contained by your same situation. Spend your initial 5 years in and see where you run from there. He loves the army.

My brother is going career within the marines and the same with my cousin within the air force..
This is a tough one. I know how you feel, I enjoy felt that way myself. Before you do anything irrational you involve to take a moment far off and away from other influences and desire what you want to do with your life. Then you necessitate to research on the internet about it and come up with an goings-on plan. When you don't have a goal surrounded by life, you have no direction. So you want to aim that big arrow of yours in one direction and follow through whole heartedly. Make sure it is what you really want and jump after it. Also, it always good to enjoy faith. Most people contained by these types of situations are in actuality getting signs from God saying, "Hello, April are you here, it's me God." This means that God is there for you contained by these times of need and you are able to turn to Him when you are within trouble. Pray. you definitely want more money than that. Sounds like you want to come up with a better plan. Maybe get that mediocre errand to save money and don't spend any more than you have to. You don't want to put yourself contained by a position where your in a foreign town or state, you spent all your money to get within, you have no place to live, don't know anyone to stay with and appendage up living in your car until you can sponge enough money to come home and stay with your parents again. IT will discourage you. Save first, after research jobs on line surrounded by the town or state you decide you want to go to, seize the job first and then get sure you can get a place to live even if it is in a motel that does weekly rates near a kitchenette. If you just go for it you are going to perceive worse than you do now.

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