Baddest Experience With Your Period?

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Mine was,I was wearing white capris for conservatory.And didn't realize that basicly I had bled out all over my inner theis.And not a soul said anything.My pad slipped out of my skirt,and i didnt realize it.Until I got home,turns out it fell into a sewer when i be running in school and i saw it the subsequent day and laughed similar to hell with friends that didnt know lol

Answers:    my cousin and i both had our period at the shore and we were sharing a sofa bed and our grandmother came up to us a breakfast the subsequent morning and goes "one of you bled on the bed, you both can't go to the coast today, you'll attract sharks."

so we both tried denying it saying that it was here when we got there and she go "untrue, I can smell it all over both of you".

It was so awkward...especially because adjectives of our family was sitting right at hand!!.
Ugh, I had a horrible public display one too.
End of the school year unsophisticatedly, so close to making it without it happening!
I be wearing light blue jeans and wasn't expecting it so soon, like a week.
My extent was mega strong, started about 2nd length and I didn't even feel it.
By around 7th period I in reality started to feel cramps, and by 8th period I feel the wetness of my pants, but I was too ashamed to do anything about it by that point!
I had a presentation, that be FINALLY when someone decided to tell me aha.
Yeahhh I vitally died. I was so embarrassed.
My friends help me out, but still. I was embarrassed as heck.
Some boys kept staring at my at the rear, I was like.. what?
Then I realize too late. Ohhhh boyyy..
ok first- it's not baddest, it's worst (just thought you should know)
anyway, the worst experience i've ever had be when i had to use toilet paper instead of a pad/tampon and the toilet weekly had slid up to the front of my underwear so the back wasn't protected and i leak and had a huge red spot on the back of my pant and i didn't realize it until i got home and went to the bathroom. i be soooo embarrassed because none of my friends bothered to tell me and i have no idea how long it had be there. Okay, so I was contained by 6th grade. IT was approaching my 3rd week of school or sumthin and I had no clue. So finally resembling after lunch I had qym, and I changed into my WHITE shorts and we were jog around the track and it took a BOY to tell me that I was bleeding through my pant and my friends were all a moment ago staring at my butt saying nothing. Im close to "guyz, y didnt u tell me?" And I got adjectives mad and I ran to my gym coach, sed I had to go potty, I have no freakin pads in my locker so I have to use toilet paper, ugh. I changed my pants, run into the bathroom and went back to the track. THen l8r the boy who told me bout the blood asked me out so...I be kinda confused with that.
i was at our institution baskeball party,i was wearing jeans..and we be like messing around on the couch and running around the house lol.. and i had bled through my jeans adjectives over the place. The blood at leaked to my there be blood stains all over the butt of my jeans. Luckily, i was in recent times getting ready to leave when i notice i was able to cover it up beside my jacket before we left.
Another time, its not embarassing..but i threw up and feel like i had the flu. Its happen a few diff periods. omg i hate when that happen it is horrible exspecielly bled troughs ewww i just hate when that happen. kinda like this one time when i was taking a crucial test and i got up to use the restroom i have blood all over the chair..
My worst be when I got my period during sex beside my boyfriend. There was blood everywhere, bled through his sheets. Gross and mortifying! mine was when i passed out at home because cramps where on earth so bad.
worst part be, i was home alone so when i woke up there be blood everywhere.
it was really gross.
i was getting fingered and i didnt know i be on it
then my bf had adjectives this blood on his fingers
it was so embrassing and we had a awarked silence.
yeah, i focus the leaks in public are the worst, especially if in that is a stain on your clothes that everybody can see. i was sleeping over at a friends house and i bleed through HER pajamas that she let me borrow AND her sheets. I could enjoy died!.
My girl said she was 'done'
I went down on her, 5 mins then we both realized she was not.

revise how to spell, then ill relate you

EDIT: thumbs down. ok i was at soccer practice and i started and blood ran down my leg

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