Check up for a yeast infection

I am the type of person that gets really worried when something is different around my body. Anyways I went to the doctor about possibly have a yeast infection although not sure ... anyways my symptoms are a slight itch not very often but satisfactory to get alittle concerned and a thick white discharge. My skin everywhere have always been exceptionally sensitive easily burned rashes etc. and I also horseback ride 4 times a week so I didn't know if those 2 could hold had something to do with the itch? But anyways I go to my Dr. whom I trust very much and I really dont care weather she see my private areas or not because my health means so much to me, she asked me for a urine taste nothing was wrong near the urine... so she checked my vagina with one look she told me it was not a yeast infection she said it be red but a yeast infection looks much worse . I am 13 alemost 14 and still dont have my period so she thought that I be probably going to get my period soon (discharge to hindmost it up with) I try to be as healthy as possible and i admit i do verbs a lot!! But do you think she be right that could have something to do with it?

ADD: I definetly can open to the elements the itching it doesn't bother me just that it is there mentally that bothers me

Answers:    If the doctor couldn't find anything wrong afterwards you're probably fine. Your vagina probably gets a bit irritated because of horse riding. I ride as well and if you're wearing jodphurs which are tight and rubbing on the saddle consequently it's obviously going to cause a bit of irritation. Try wearing cotton pant and not thongs or g strings when you ride to let your genitals breath. Also wash near a gel that's specifically made for the feminine area.

It's probably nothing to verbs about but if it gets worse travel back to your doctors.

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