Please abet me! It's a girl item!?

Okay i'm 13 and i've been noticing some dried white stuff surrounded by my underwear. It has a little ordor put it's a touch dried patch. My area doesn't itch though and im very verbs. Please help what is it?

Answers:    no worries I'm 13 too and I have it if you haven't started your time of year yet its a sign that you'll start in probably 1-2 yrs. I own had it for a year and a half and still haven't started. Be geared up you could start your period soon. If you have started your time of year already this is discharge you'll have most of your life.

Hope I help :).
This is nothing to be concerned about. It is merely a natural discharge that cleanses your "area" Every girl has it. You should solitary start to worry if it turns like a green color or if it starts to REALLY smell, afterwards it could be a sign of infection. CONGRATS YOU HAVE DISCHARGE!
Hahaha, Sarcasm! But I Had It Like A Year Before I Actually Got My Period. Its All Good, Everyone Has It and It Wash's Right Out. But To Be More Clean And Feel More Clean. Ask Your Mom To Buy You Some Pantie Liners. They Are Really Easy To Wear! (: Have Fun!.
don't worry its a normal girl item
it randomly happens to some girls it newly extra lubrication from your system. It might go away with time but but for don't worry its really no big deal. Some times it can turn out after menustration I'm 13 2 and i had this problem when is was close to 9 . its okay is called discomposure and its normal it method ur gonna get ur period soon . this stared 2chappen to me at nie andi get my period at 11 its normal.
If its a short time ago a little odour it could be just discharge sometimes its similar to that
if its really strong then its a yeast infection but it doesnt sound approaching you have that I'm 14 and still haven't started my period and I bring this all the time. It's means your going to start your time in about 3-18 months.
Good luck
Welcome to pre- womanhood.
That is basically discharge, welcome to womanhood, your body is changing from anyone a child into a young woman Its called discharge.It's ok.Every girl get it..
Its called discharge.Its one of the signs that your getting ready to start your length!
Good luck!
discharge. it happens to everyone
no worries [ : discharge, its stuff that comes out of ur vag a few times a day for cleaning purposes.
Congrats, Aunt Flo is here for a pop in. ur fine.
if u haven't gotten ur period yet it medium that ur going to start it soon. (could be months from now)
ur normal don't worry..
why don't u ask ur mom these things?

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