How much weight do I have to lose before I'm skinny looking?

I'm not doing this for attention or adjectives for compliments resembling individuals other appear to assume when inhabitants ask these sorts of things, this is what I really ponder.

Sorry, I didn't use a timer, I took these a few hours ago when I come backbone from my day by day run (3 miles. so yes, I do excersize, I excersize a great deal, but I seem to be to hold no results even though I chomp through nourishing too)

how much do you have an idea that I hold to lose until that time I enjoy an attractive skinny body?

My first term! Girls single!?

It's unyielding to report becuase your shirt is so lose, you don't look that chubby, so possibly 10-20 pounds.

What could these symptoms be set to?

cant see anything from the pictures

Do you ever get the impression sometimes confident more or less your looks.. and sometimes disqusted?

maybe if we could see a picture of your body instead of your boobs, we could share.
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