Bleeding while peeing?

a couple days ago i come across this great headache while peeing. Then, basically today, while peeing i feel great distress followed by a bit bit of blood. i be wondering whay charitable of symptons could these be for? or would this kinda entry make well?
oh and i dont come across to pee like mad any when i do. but i discern resembling i own to jump REALLY disappointingly.


Your Guide to breast?

Please phone up your doctor for an appointment first point surrounded by the morning. Symptoms approaching this could be something simple resembling a UTI or bladder infection, could be a touch more complicated close to kidney stones, or could be something far more serious. Get in to your doctor for a urine examination and some antibiotics. Even a UTI or kidney infection could become terribly serious and possibly natural life threatening if vanished untreated. Hope this help, and doesn't freak you out. Good Luck. :-)

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u necessitate to walk to a doctor right away u could enjoy internal bleeding

had a little one within Nov.1 and havent have my term could i be preg?

bladder infection name the doc to find some meds..

UTI or Bladder infection affecting my length?

Bladder infection, possibly next to stone formation. Go to the Dr. do not snag. You could procure better on your own.. or it could spread to your kidneys and butcher you. Antibiotics will cure it up hastily, so a moment ago walk.


I am not a doctor, but this sounds resembling a urinary tract infection.

These symptoms should be monitored by a doctor. It may be flowing to treat, but it is sure to acquire worse if gone untreated.

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You own a bladder infection, or UTI. the single item that will minister to is to attain some antibiotics. You hold a discouraging one. Good luck.
Also, to lend a hand, drink lots of hose and cranberry liquid. Helps bring back the acids out.

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that is probably a urinary tract infection. drink lots of cranberry liquid and sea, and turn to a primary vigilance doctor for antibiotics(all they will do is label you pee surrounded by a cup). If the anguish get fruitless, you can steal an over the counter headache reliever call AZO, in recent times build sure to relate the doc if you bring it.

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classic urinary tract infection symptoms. see a dr, they'll put you on antibiotics, in the connote time drink lots of hose and pure cranberry liquid, not the cocktail stuff loaded next to sugar.

Why do women's period synchronize if they are around eachother.?

Kidney stones or bladder infection, bear your choice. Either one ability you should progress to a doctor.

Ok, this is gentle of odd and gross but.?

I would turn to a doctor ASAP. You own the symptoms of bladder stones (bleeding) and/or bladder infection. The bladder infection can step away by itself.

Ugg, so embarresing!?

i deduce you should see your doctor,if u r a womanly you could be have u r length ,if your a manly possibly its a kidney infection but in adjectives honesty i would ask a professional resembling a doctor,they are more cooperative than i am.i hope you consistency better.

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Sounds approaching a Urinary Tract Infection. This will not "heal" on it's own. Go to the DR - ASAP!!

Drinking Cranberry Juice will minister to for a time beside the udrge - until you gain to the DR.

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Sounds approaching you hold a urinary tract infection - please see you doctor as soon as possible for treatment beside antibiotics.

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it could be a kidney stone i would obtain it checked out

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are you sure you're not on your term

What exactly is an orgasm? might want to be in motion to the doctor ive have that until that time but not as desperate...the attitude of need to pee really unpromising adjectives the time/bleeding might be determined you enjoy a kidney infection AND if its a abnormal (ok im sorry if this is gross) greenish/yellow color and looks murky or "milky" after you REALLY should move about to the doctor and obtain it looked at cuz i have one that be that desperate and it almost land me contained by the hospital

hope i help =]
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