Girls simply, and I mean GIRLS with the sole purpose! No this is NOT a boob question for u inquisitive guys!?

Ok so someday I will have to start using tampons. But I'm so anxious of them. Just the whole hypothesis of sticking something in there is freekish. How can I overcome this panic?
ok so does it hurt? Did it hurt the first time u tried it? How often should I silver it? Do u feel it surrounded by you? how do u put one in? do u lay down? what if ur at academy and can't lay down? How do u know how far it should go? Anything else I should know? I have need of the whole 411 please! Tell me everything. THANKS! lol!

Need some herbal suggestions?

First of adjectives, you don't HAVE to use tampons, you can use external protection like a wipe. However, convenience and less mess make a lot of women and girls turn to tampons.

The vastly first time I tried using tampons, it took about partially my mom's box of Tampax, and I had one foot up on the toilet lid, and one on the ground, and a mirror propped so I could see exactly where on earth I was going. All boxes of tampons enjoy instructions, so that was also unfolded and in the vicinity me for reference.

If you can quality the tampon, it's not in right. They should be changed every 6-8 hours, depending on your flow (heavier flows would stipulation more changing). The tampon applicator (I don't suggest using one without an applicator until you are infinitely more comfortable next to your body) can only be pushed contained by so far, and it's really quite a simple ordeal once you capture the hang of it. If you can grasp your hands on the instructions from a box of tampons, read it!

Oh, and you don't stipulation to lie down to do it. Some women put one foot up on the toilet, some squat a bit, and some do it while sitting on the toilet beside their legs apart.

The best way to overcome your anxiety is to educate yourself. And posting this quiz was a great first step. :)

Good luck!

Can I pregnant if i have sex 21 days after my last term?

You should try the slim ones first, to see how they work for you. You should change them every 4-8hrs, I usually move mine every 4hrs. Use the absorbancy needed to control your flow. I put mine in while sitting on the toilet. When you buy a box, like Kotex, it have a paper inside next to instructions. Don't worry!

Can someone supply me an idea of what they will do to question paper fertility?

There is nothing to concern. They don't hurt. I typically change mine every 3-4 hours depending on flow. Each box comes next to instructions. I would suggest you get a hotchpotch pack of absorbencies though to find what is right for you.

My vagina is really red?

omg.. i totally know how you feel, ive feel exactly like this when i first starting using tampons.. so heres the 411, they are sooooo comfortable and really unmessy, unlike pad where the blood get on your skin and stuff, im 16 and i started using them when i was 14 or 13.. they dont hurt at adjectives while putting em in, you should look at the tampon manual past putting em in though~! hope this helps!!

Normal time of year?

You should start off beside Junior ones. Tampax makes them. You a short time ago push it in as far as the applicator will be in motion and then push the plunger segment. It shouldn't hurt and if you feel it within there consequently you didn't push it in far adequate. Be ready to stir through a few on your first try. You don't have to lay down, purely put it in while sitting on the toilet. It will be fine.

Weight loss?

It doesnt really hurt that desperate, Just follow my instructions!

Sit or stand in a comfortable position. Some women prefer to place one leg on the toilet seat or tub, while others prefer to squat down. After you find a position to be precise most comfortable for you, hold the tampon with the fingers that you write beside.

Hold the middle of the tampon, at the spot where the smaller, inner tube inserts into the larger, outer tube. Make sure the string is apparent and pointing away from your body.

With your other hand, stretch out the labia (the folds of skin around the vaginal opening) and position the tampon in the vaginal opening. (See picture 1 below).

Gently push the tampon into the opening, aiming for the small of your back. Stop when your fingers touch your body and the applicator, or outer tube, is completely inside the vagina. (See picture 2 below).

Once the applicator or outer tube is inside of you, use your index finger to push the inner tube (the tube where on earth the removal string is visible) through the outer tube. This pushes the tampon into the vagina.

Once the inner tube is all the channel in, use your thumb and middle finger to remove the applicator or outer tube. (See picture 3 below). Make sure that the string hang outside of the vaginal opening. Later, when you are in place to remove the tampon, hold the string and gently verbs it downward until the entire tampon is out.

I need relief quick!?

Its cool! Dont WRY!! Just try the slim ones first, to see how they work for you. And read the box! and the weekly that comes wit it!!
i had no1 to ask so i read everything possible!!i redeploy mine ever 4 hours to its safe!! and NEVER SLEEP near them in!!

What is the sexiest point?

the directions tell you how to correctly use it. it will perceive a little humiliated at first (the first few times actually) but you'll get used to it. the just way it would hurt you is if you didnt insert it adjectives the way within (as far as its supposed to go)...then you'll quality a little discomfort or pressure (happened to me first time around). .. oh and relax when you insert it. if your anxious then it might discern weird and will be firm to put it in.

Pains In My Breast?

They don't hurt. Sometimes they are awkward to insert until you receive used to it. Use a little vaseline or KY on the tube and use slim ones near applicators. Also, wear a pantyliner until you are certain how commonly you need to rework it in luggage you wait for a time too long or have a chiefly heavy flow. Practice squatting over the toilet since this is really the solely way you'll be capable of do this at school.

Why do I gain these little pains under my chest?

Try using an applicator tampon for your first time. It's glib to insert and there's nought to be afraid of. I was worried too, when I first started using tampons. When inserted properly, you will not feel the tampon at adjectives. It is really much more comfortable than using a pad. The string at the finish off of tampon will be your indicator to let you know if you requirement a change of tampon. When you see that it's stained, i.e., in attendance's blood, you need a changeover. You insert the tampon standing up, not lying down. When you purchase tampons, there ought to be a piece of information sheet unfolding you how to insert the tampon. Just relax when inserting it and you'll be fine.
Don't worry too much roughly using a tampon. You'll be so thankful for the invention of tampon once you've tried it (=

Lung cancer anyone bring cured that you know?

ok so I just started using them too ok so win the playtex sport cause those one purely kind of slip within and it doesnt hurtbut i recommened that you use pads unlessyou really requirement to use them. if you are going to use it change it every 4-8 hours you perceive it at first but it doesnt hurt or anything and you can lay down if you want to. oh and btw start using it like the 2nd morning you get your interval so it easier to put in. also if you own a small you-know-what it may hurt a little bit taking it out. so dont shove it out.


A ask about birth control!?

go to and they will contribute you in fo and free taster and its best to go contained by the bathroom ave one leg on the tub wall or sink (so your legs are open) and easily slide surrounded by in.
yeah you definately be aware of it go contained by and it dosent hurt going in its just the coming out slice that hurt me at first...
you just hold to try it and over come your fear similar to mostof us...
hope i helped you and fitting luck! lol
(by the way obtain the smallest tampon ever made for ur 1st time to be more comfortable.))
sry for misspeliings im in a hrry...


First of all never ever ever ever use the deoderized tampons. They are a great concept, but they can cause infection. As long as you shift them regularly then at hand shouldn't be any odor, if there is here are all kind of women's femine wipes. (Personally, I love them lately to freshen up half style through the day)
So the far as insertion. (For the first use try it at home you'll get the dangle of it rather quickly) For my first insertion, I stood and put my leg on the sink. Then use your finger and you will grain your opening. It open-handed of goes put money on in an angle. (Read the directions surrounded by the tampon box and look at the pic its a great help) there will be to ridgeson the tampon. Put your thumb and forefinger on them. Using like peas in a pod hand push the bottom of the tampon up (hold firmly w/ the thumb and forefinger). If you call for to push it w/ the other hand thats fine (this is outside of the lips). when you consistency the finger(s) you are pushing w/ meet the forefinger and thumb, the tampon is inserted. verbs the applicator out and it is done. You do not need to laydown. at adjectives. They can b inserted while sitting on a toilet. It will take a few tryes until u find use to it and learn your anatomy and 'aim'. It does not hurt and you cannot grain them. The worste is if it is not inserted the whole channel you can feel it it isnt bumpy just awkward. dont consent to it lik ethat it doesnt offer the full protection. Use ur pointer finger and push it until its lately inside u. Be careful how long you consent to it in TSS does start. The good rule for beginners is transmutation it everytime u pee. Eventually you'll get the suspend of it, and you'll learn how calorific u bleed which days, and how long you can let it surrounded by. Never let one surrounded by more than 8 hrs. Always remember to take the ultimate one out after your period. I recommend wearing a wipe too the first few times you use the tampon (just in case) when you get hold of the hang of it wear a pantyliner. as far as it freaking you out thats only just an age thing. fluently ur going to be nervous. I be i didnt watn to use it but all my friends used them but in fact i find it much more comfortable than pads and i am so glad i started using them. Dont rush urself. If you mull over ur ready to try it run grab a box of playtex slims (excellent for virgins and im a huge devotee of playtex although the regulars r not much larger than the slims virgins can handle the regulars) You won't 'pop ur cherry'. Good luck!

Bigger **?

Well I am unusual compared to the other women here, but I am 30 years old-fashioned, and started my period when I be 11, and I still can't wear a tampon comfortably. I know I am putting them in right, but they are very humiliated and sometimes painful. The single explanation I have for to be precise that I have endometriosis, and intercourse is sometimes hurting too. I don't know if that is why the tampons hurt sometimes, but if you do own pain when you use them you should emphatically go to the Dr. and agree to them know. Also when I have have to use them I always wear a wad also, because I bleed very pouring, and the tampon fills up incredibly quickly. So until you know how you are going to do beside them you should wear a pad and sort sure. Again if you do have twinge after trying it a few times Please let your doc know. I thought that be normal and agree to it go too long, and that stomach-ache is not normal.

How do i no my downstairs is regular?

NO worrise no worries i thoguht the same point, nothing to fret something like.
tampons are thee best pads suck. anyway.. lol
it dunzt hurt.. not on the first time any.. u cahnge it every 4-6 hrs.. you cant feel it contained by you maybe the first time until u draw from used to them... and you dont lay down u just sit on teh toliet.. lol .. and respectively box comes with instructions GL

best of luck. my wishes to ya.!!

Loestrin fe24 no time?

I'm 20 years old and ocassionaly use them. But lone when I wear white. I find that it is uncomfortable and that it should be changed every 4 hours or so. I close to pads much more and have the same thoughts you hold about them earlier I first used one. The main entity is to relax!

Strech marks!?

I option I knew how too.

Will my Legs be held embark on for my Pelvic Exam ?

use the tampax sport slim
the platic applicatos are easier to use
and the hold VERYY well
ok so i started using them for the swim season
(this past swim season) yea its pretty never wrecking the first time but it will hurt it u stand up bend over rather forward whlie bending ur knees it keeps it from hurting
also the string side doesnt turn in its the other side...
it hurts a short time cause u havent used one since and bending over relaxes ur muscles and helps it step in. it will consistency weird after u put one contained by but thats normal after 2-3 times using one it will surface normal!

u can lay down zilch happens!

it (believe it or not) wont go and get "lost" in ur body or something
as long as u put it in as far as it go or until it doesnt really hurt when u are putting it in u have it within correct if it hurts a little too much it might not be surrounded by far enough which routine take it out and try agian.

if u turn from a pad after to a tampon cause thats adjectives u have wear a lite year pad also motivation that area will still enjoy a little excess blood on u and u dont want to stain undies!

adapt right before lunch

and after university / when u get home
flawless luck girlie!

the 3 time is always the charm!!

xoxo max

UTI and Yeast Infectionyuck!?

The first time I used a tampon it be painful. I reason I used one that was too big and I didn't push it far plenty in. That's the switch - using a tampon that slimmer and inserting the applicator far enough into the vagina up to that time inserting the tampon. Also, you don't want to try to force it in if your vagina is dry, use some sort of lubrication - even saliva would work.

After that, it's pretty easy. I don't own a very cumbersome period... unlike other associates here sometimes I wear the tampon for probably around 24 hours sometimes. It really depends on your flow and how long you feel comfortable next to it - most of the time my tampon starts slipping down naturally when it's time to devolution to a new one.

As long as you money it on a fairly regularly justification you don't need to be worried something like it. Additionally, as I was relieved to find out, you cannot lose it up nearby and the string on the tampon isn't so you can go probing after it - it's just to build it easier to pull out. Your vagina is with ease built to keep entry like tampons from going previous the vaginal passage. Using tampons in fact helps near the period smell too, lol.

Other than that, if you own a heavy flow you should check on it from time to time. It's comfortable to forget you're on your period when you're wearing a tampon and you could ruin your underwear or doesn`t matter what else you're wearing. Bloodstains suck. :(

How can you have your extent if you hymn (SP) isn't broken?

ok so i got my extent when i was 12, and started using tampons right away. the first time i used one, i be like "weirdweirdweirdweird" and it hurt rather because I wasn't used to them yet. I probably didn't put it within far enough, but its really approaching you can't even feel it after a while. if it's discomfited, and you can feel it, you might involve to put it in rather further. I'm 16 now, and it's incredibly easy! i still detestation it though. dang only 35 more years til menopause..

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