What does it suggest when your tired adjectives the time?

i've been really tired lately and i dont work so its not that.what could it be?

Answers:    it could be adjectives sorts of things! maybe your of late not getting enough sleep! perchance some of your iron levels are low...
try intake more fresh fruit and veg - or try some suppliments...
water is also acctually really appropriate for fatigue :)
Maybe a vitamin defiency - try some B-12 vitamins for energy. It could be tons things.Stress, emotions, etc can be a huge bit of our levels of fatigue. But sometimes we overlook the manifest things like our physical form. Diet and physical exercise can play a big part too surrounded by our levels of vim. Do you have stout eating pattern? Exercise? Also you may want to have blood work done: check on iron level, etc. Nothing like man border-line anemic to zap your energy and product you feel draggy adjectives the time.
there could be lots of reason, are you stressed? something bad happen in your natural life? are you quite busy? not getting ample sleep? it could be diabetes or vitamin defiency also.
go see a doctor to hold things checked up. that your not sleeping enough
it could be ANYTHING. you could be bored, getting too much/little sleep, sick, pregnant, stressed... might be anemic

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