Just wondering whats the chances of getting pregnant with your tubes tied?

ive hear you can and you cant does anyone know whats the likelihood of it happening


The downfall rate for a tubal ligation is below 1%. Sometimes, the tubes can regrow, after a long time have passed, but you can enjoy them checked periodically to make smaller risk.

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my friend be born fundamentally shortly after her mums tubes be tied and they ring her the "miracle baby" because her mum be also within her slow forties and have a full-bodied handsome newborn. not sure roughly speaking the ods...but newly tellin ya it could take place

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its possible.. but depends on who your have sex near.. does the guy use protection, have he have his tubes tied? lots of variables out in that and we know none of them.

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i doubt it, next to your tubes tied nearby isnt really a providence or you eggs getting through your falopean tubes into your uterus.

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Tubal ligation have a ruin rate of .1% (one-tenth of one percent)1 This is roughly matching overall dud rate as vasectomy. Pregnancies can come about due to surgical error, equipment damp squib, or the inherent processes within which the body reestablishes a nouns from the uterus to the abdominal cavity. That translates to 1 out of 1000 women. Usually when you see it surface it is because one tube be not ligated.

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It *can* transpire, but lone if the tubes re-grow and become rights again. The best prevention is to spawn sure that your doctor is one that cauterizes the tubes, fairly than simply snipping them. The likelihood of that repairing itself, while possible, are hugely slim.

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it happen outstandingly seldom and is usually a tubal pregnancy. Most times when the tubes are "tied" in attendance is also tissue removed to prevent pregnancy. The probability would depend on how the procedure be done and how long ago. If you become pregnant shortly after the procedure, the likelihood are better you be pregnant formerly the surgery.

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I have a long-suffering that have her tubes tied twice. She get pregnant after respectively surgery. No one could explain why. During the second surgery, it showed the first surgery be done correctly, but both tubes have formed other channel when deformity tissue formed allowing the egg to miss through. The surgery be done again and she have another babe. The same piece happen. The subsequent time we have to help yourself to both tubes out completely. That solved the problem.Rare that this should transpire. Sometimes we've have patients who be already pregnant but it did not show on the test we have consequently, who turned up pregnant after their surgery.It happen. I simply reflect on it's intended to be, when it does.

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its not gonna arise

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My friend and her twin sister be born after her mom have tied her tubes years beforehand! It can merely be avoided if the doctor cuts the tube first and consequently tie them.

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The army tied my tubes together within (tubal litigation) 1998, its immediately 2007, never gotten pregnant but, or plan on getting pregnant or untying the tubes any.
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