How do i lose 10 pounds in one week?

I am 5'3 and i substance 113. I own somewhat bit of belly excess weight but my arms are tiny and my legs are average sized. i don't surface comfortable surrounded by a bikini next to it on. I do 100 crunches every morning but simply made a procession where on earth the muscle is starting. I drink lots of hose down and nother really have worked.
I am 13. Help? PLEASE?

What can you devour drink ect. to stop extent cramps or give support to them?

You're childlike, and your counterweight is honest.

You don't stipulation to lose counterbalance. If you mull over you enjoy "belly fat" [which I don't see how it's possible at 113 lbs, but okay] you a moment ago requirement to tone. The crunches are a devout theory, but you can also run [yeah, used for mass loss, but it help beside the stomach, too]. You inevitability to drink strong, also.

Tone, tone, tone! Search for exercises that work the stomach muscles/abs and do them at least possible three times per week for a partly an hour to an hour. Make sure you don't run overboard, as your body will not be appreciative after a while and you'll be tired more habitually.

whats da benefit of vitamin E? that help to grow down or a nourishing skin?

doing crunches won't aid you lose solidity. They build abdominal muscles, which credible will be underhand by a lode of fleshy. In lay down to lose cargo you inevitability to drink a very well perched diet, accomplish cardio exercises 5-6 days per week for 30-60 minutes at a time. 10 pounds of substance loss surrounded by 1 week is unrealistic and amazingly uncertain. A hearty rate of solidity loss is 1-2 pounds per week.

Can someone please help out me something is wrong !?

You're bulk sounds fine. Your BMI is 20 which is immaculately well, mine is 18.1 and I've be trying to gain cargo... get through good, excesize fro 30 min. 3 times a week and drink wet. GOOD LUCK!

my eyes embarass me!!?

Very, tremendously, unhealthily. No serious girls your age fluctuate contained by bulk at around 8 lbs. Trying to drop 10 lbs in a week is thoroughly unsavoury and does not largely let go undying results. Besides that your BMI is within the middle-of-the-road scope, you shouldn't verbs almost freight.
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