Yellow vaginal discharge?

i am 14. i am a virgin. i don't own my extent all the same. however, i find this wan discharge. adjectives my underwear is stained next to it. i don't know if i hold an infection. it is yellowish and it smells for a while and it doesn't itch or hurt at adjectives. and i don't want to really relay anyone more or less this if i don't hold to. do i own to see a doctor? what do i communicate my mom? and if i do own to see a doctor what do they do? i despise taking any clothes sour within front of one. please give support to.


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Sounds approaching a yeast infecton, is not enthusiasm threatening but wishes to be deal next to. Check the internet for treatment to be precise used by yourself. (Google yeast infection) You may find books on this at your library. Please treat this as it can result in problems latter surrounded by natural life.

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i'm not sure if you are really referring to discharge where on earth it really damp your underwear or is it merely yellowish stain on your underwear. If it is basically yellowish stain, no course of alarm as it is majority during puberty stage. but if it drizzly your underwear, next u may want to consult a doctor. u don't own to nick past its sell-by date your clothes, only underwear if they involve to examine nearby.

Am i coming on? Are these signs?

It could be an infection , dont use too much soap , really i get toldonly to use thaw marine down within as im totally sensative to things close to that .
I know this might sould grose but it could jjust be somewhat wee and womanly discharge together ( every womanly get discharge ) but it shouldnt smell.
Also tight underwear can couse issuses too.
Hope this help

When is the best time to rob a PREGNANCY theory test? Please assistance? mine be white and most of the time you take discharge surrounded by the 6th month time since your time.but u might reflect on its embarssing to update your mom but i would be in motion carry it checked out purely to be on the risk-free side...\...\..
..but its probaly where on earth your nearly to start your time of year soon

Talk to a Doctor ABOUT THYRIOD?

You stipulation to be in motion to the doctor! I know it's degrading, but you involve to step.

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Yeast is itchy and sometimes painful/irritating and the discharge is similar to cottage cheese. A wan discharge is sometimes a sign of vaginitis or a vagina infection. You do not own to be sexually involved to carry one. Wearing tight pant, hot weather, adjectives of these contribute to them. A doctors look in is within writ. Also, if the odor is more resembling a urine smell, it could be that you a moment ago involve to wear a panty liner. The ONLY route to diagnose a vaginal infection is to enjoy a GYN exam.
Don't be mortified. it is better to be locked, these things don't of late budge away.
Tell Mom, she will construe, she might even own better answers for you
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