2 questions in one?

what is the best class of birthcontrol while you are nursing? i know you can give somebody a lift the combination pill, and they enunciate the mini pill have to be taken impossible to tell apart time everyday. i know that one would be concrete, the other request for information is what other route can you boost your milk supply besides pumping, nursing and taking the ferngreek? is their any truth to oatmeal? thanks

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You CANNOT use an estrogen/progesterone (combo) pill, as this will mete out problems beside the little one (specifically mammary growth issues).

You CAN use the mini-pill (progesterone-only) but you are correct in that here is a greatly rigid 3-hour porthole within which the pill must be taken day after day.

Alternatives could include the Mirena IUD (which I cannot intuitively endorse), or ring methods such as a diaphragm, contraceptive sponge, Lea's Shield, condom (Male or Female) or cervical bonnet. All of these would hold a highly developed incidence of prevention if they are combined next to spermicides (and some REQUIRE spermicide usage).

You should discuss adjectives of your option near your OB/GYN prior to the birth of your toddler.

i hear theres satisfactory sperm within the preemission fluids to create a girl pregnant..?

I would just suggest condoms as you won't bring back any side effects yourself. As for boosting your milk supply, I can solitary suggest you nurture bub every 2 hours, devour nutritious foods & drink lots of wet, carry lots of rest (if possible) Good luck :o)

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sometimes basically taking fenugreek won't do it, but combining it beside blessed thistle will do the trick. oatmeal works for some women, not all--but what's the spoil,. it's righteous for you anyway. also--your body make milk while you sleep, so try (I know it's hard) to seize as much sleep as possible, and drink lots of fluids! I see a difference on days I drink profusely or little wet, surrounded by the amount of milk i produce. this is a great site for adjectives your breast-feeding questions--www.kellymom.com
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