Can a pharmacist change my birth control prescription?

I'm currently on the patch and would similar to to modification to the Nuvaring but don't want to accord near making a doctor's appointment and waiting. Do pharmacist ever endow with you prescriptions? Would I be capable of enjoy a consultation near a pharmacist and take the nuvaring? Has anyone done this past?

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No, a pharmacist can NOT do that. You requirement the doctor's approval. You CAN, however consult near your pharmacist and ask if he will send for your doctor's organization and enjoy a trial prescription faxed to your pharmacist. But the "script" have to be signed by the doctor. (even if it's duplicate med, and alike amt. of drug, i.e., mg, mcg., etc.)

Does anybody know ??

No, you necessitate a dr's approval to do that.

Is it usual ???

No a pharamcist cannot prescribe medication. You inevitability to see your doc for this.

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Absolutely he can't properly do that.

I kno this isnt the right catergory to ask this contained by but i construe you girls wuld answer it better here .plz comfort?

No. Your doctor must do that. The pharmacists doesn't enjoy your medical history. Your doctor does and thats who you should see...

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ya.. birth control tend to enjoy disagreeable side effects - pharmacists cant translate anything if they are different medicine, solitary if they are individual transmitted differently. perchance you can cooperate to someone at an arts and crafts store.. video a birth control patch around a mood ring. no dr's appointment

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