Infection of the cervix?

Can you enjoy glow of the cervix and discharge in need have sex? I also sizeable ovarian cysts can they motive a cervical infection?

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Cervicitis is an inflammation and irritation of the cervix. Symptoms of cervicitis can be similar to vaginitis, next to vaginal discharge, itching or misery beside intercourse.

Cervicitis can be cause by a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Most adjectives are chlamydia, which cause give or take a few 4 million cases per year surrounded by the United States, and gonorrhea, which cause going on for 600,000 cases. Trichomoniasis and genital herpes can also exact cervicitis. In some cases, cervicitis is not cause by infection. It may be due to trauma, frequent douching or exposure to chemical irritants.

Cervicitis habitually cause no symptoms at adjectives, but some women will experience cramp during intercourse, vaginal itching, a bloody vaginal discharge, or vaginal spotting or bleeding between period (usually after vaginal intercourse). If the urethra (urine tube) also become infected, you may have a feeling burning when you urinate or you may urinate more normally. Cervicitis can spread to your uterus, fallopian tubes or ovaries, which is a condition call pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). If you own PID, you may own abdominal stomach-ache or frenzy.

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You can acquire an infected cervix short have ever enjoy have sex past. Your cervix is used during a menstrual cycle and have other uses besides lately have sex.
It is possible that your ovarian cysts own contributed to your infected cervix but it is also possible that you own lately obtain a yeast infection (similar to thrush). Both are confidently treatable any next to cream inserted to the vagina and purchased at the pharmacy or beside antibiotics prescribed by a doctor. Go and collaborate to someone (other than me) and put yourself at relaxation.
:) best of luck.

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