When is "safe sex" ?
I get a cross-examine 4 women solely ok?
Typically, on an average 28 light of day cycle, you will ovulate on give or take a few the 14th daylight of your cycle (your cycle begin the first daytime you enjoy your extent, and ends the afternoon previously you grasp your subsequent period). Sperm can be stored within the body for up to seven days, so the fertile length is considered anywhere from hours of daylight 5 to morning 15. However, different women ovulate at different times, and some women even ovulate when they are menstruating. Unless you've extraordinarily alertly charted out your ovulation cycle beside the backing of a doctor, don't even consider using this information as your sole form of birth control, you ALWAYS stipulation to use a condom.
there is no sch entry as locked sex even wehn your on the pill and own a condom
its supposed to be after your time have completely stopped. Um, only just so this isn't on my conciunce (sp?) if u receive pregnant, within is no 100% gaurentee of undamaging sex. own your husband or boyfriend wear a condom.
Bleeding after loosing your virginity?
you can capture pregnant even if you purely have a extent. nought is 100% secure. not even birth control. don't rely on when your extent ends and articulate that's an "okay" time. natter to your doctor.how to groom eyebrows at home?
never.....you can obtain pregnant on any daytime during the week that ends w/ a y... regardless of what hours of daylight you are on on your cycle
6 days in the past you ovulate and 24 hours after is when you can catch pregnant. figure out exactly when you ovulate is the tough part of the pack.
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