You adjectives don't know what y'all is chitchat almost.You said I should walk to France and it go desperate...?

When I went to France to visit my cousin, I did not own a good time.
First off, the French be all stuck up and kept calling me "promiscuous American girl," and laughing. They kept saying it to me and when I told them that American girls aren't promiscuous, and singular have 16 partners during their enthusiasm times. And I said that was not much seeing as how people live to 84 years frail, sometimes 85. But they did not let it go. Then I told them that I'm a white girl, the medium has the black, purto rican, mexican girls as the ones who are the hoes. But they kept laughing at me, and then told me that I be not a white girl. They said white people never left Europe. And they said that I be as non-white as the purto rican-mexican- and black girls. What's up with that?
But I told them that I was Scotch and Irish adjectives the way back!! And that I own blonde hair and blue eyes. I look like a indisputable American.

I'm just glad to be home. What is up with those stupid French those?

Sorry I sound angry but I needed to vent. Why don't they see me as white?

Answers:    First off, i've be to France, and the people there are really nice. Maybe it's the stuff you told them, approaching all that racist sounding stuff. I don't think you be trying to sound racist, but you did. Personally, i think it be just bad luck, french race are pretty nice. I would try having your cousin come over to America, or you can try braving it again??...maybe?

It's okay to vent! What else is the internet for?? :).
Um, you nouns incredibly uneducated in this post not to mention approaching you were acting like an idiot surrounded by France. Thanks for helping Americans look worse. When I went to France everyone was incredibly nice. But I am awfully polite and unobtrusive and respect other people's cultures. Maybe you should try it sometime. French people are not all resembling that, just seems close to you met some arrogant and racist people. Get over it. And you shouldn't have said that the Puerta Ricans and Mexicans are whores since "that's what the medium says". You talk absolute rubbish, so no wonder the French folks had no respect for you.

Grow up and learn in the region of the cultures of the countries you visit!.
I went to France within 1976 and after coming home, I was sorry that Hitler didn't complete the job. They be total *** holes to us. I found them dirty, smelly and stupid people. The French have never be know for their "purity" so I don't know where they got bad calling anyone promiscuous. I wouldn't go back in attendance if it was the last country on the European continent. are you playing around or are you serious? if you are serious no wonder you got made fun of. holy crap.

you put it under womens vigour because its your mental health? omg, this question is serious, isnt it? im surprised you dont procure made fun of in the usa too... wow..
ya.. why did you put that in American condition???but anyway, well look at the fact you in actual fact got to go France!! Not plentiful ppl get to do that!! i agree with the human being who called you an idiot.
My question is... Why did you post this surrounded by Woman's health? Do you have a interrogate, here?.
that's the french for you they act like they can own sex with who they like when they resembling and have as many partner as they like at any given time but when it comes to foreigners they are all any have a small p,e,n,i,s if you are a white boy or a slave if your black a s,l,u,t, if your a girl of any colour they are one of the most racist countries in Europe Spain is much better but even the Spanish are nationalistic the Germans are only just filthy minded and say polish girls are all s,l,u,t,s, and polish boys are adjectives thick so even England is very nationalistic although we start to express our nationalist viewpoint out loud France is good-looking its just a shame about the french empire

I think Italy is great and so is Greece but they are racist too in their own process and so is America they say if your from eastern Europe your a s,l,u,t, and you can buy a woman and the men are all poor and in recent times dirty little skunks so every country has its own nationalistic viewpoint I imply just look at the K,K,K and other Noe Nazi movements throughout the U,S and the B,N,P in England its a world gone wacky especially in this day and age

dare i mention the the creeps of Muslims and terrorism its all been blown out of proportion its a world that individual we can change through having expand hearts and open minds.
I'm partly English and half French and some of my French relatives are like that in the order of the British. Most of them are nice, but you have to remember you have bigots within all countries, but many French are bitter that more inhabitants speak English in the world than French.

I've seen oodles people from the USA make remarks something like people from other countries. Maybe you were lately unlucky about who you stayed with?

Saying 16 partner in a life time isn't promiscuous is comparatively funny though, as that's a lot.

I don't know why they said you're not white, but they might be ignorant as USA medium that they send to other countries talks abundantly about multiculturalism, so maybe they deduce everybody is multicultural?

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