Do girls bleed when.?

I have hear that after virgin girls have sex for the first time they bleed. Is that in reality true or jus made up?

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if you're asking this, you're too babyish to even think roughly speaking having sex. most girls do bleed their first time. some do, some don't. Depends on their body.
yes. i did. effect your "hole" isnt big enough so the "thing" rips your skin inside cause you to bleed Well ya it depends on the girl so ya!
yes Every girl is different. The reason females do bleed after their first sexual encounter is because we once adjectives had a amazingly thin covering of skin, once this is broken it can cause some bleeding. In some cases, this skin is already dissolved or broken when some females loose their virginity. Which system that no, not all girls bleed when they loose their virginity.
Yes, sometimes nearby is some spotting after the first time, or some minor pain when you first do it. It is not a myth, but if this last for too long, you need to get hold of checked out by the doc! In my lifetime, I've been honored next to being the first for two girls. I be much younger then. Anyway, I am not small p*s perceptive so I really took my time and made sure she was very well lubricated and comfortable with what be about to start. Neither one bled. But it did hurt them for a time. If he is patient, I believe she doesn't HAVE TO bleed.
I be 17 and bleed for 3 day, I am sure it different for every one. Some of my friend did not bleed at adjectives. All depends on different things. Some do, some don't.
yes it is true when a girl first has sex their cherries pop. ably their hymen or whatever breaks. but yeah, they bleed, only just a little. but not really ample for you to even really notice..
yes. Yeah its true because we used to be a virgin right?

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