I took Deprovera and now I dont have periods.?

I took a deprovera birth control prod 2 months ago and since consequently I dont hold my period! Am I pregnant or is this common?
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Yes, it is commonplace to spot or stop period on the depo shot. Pill, I don't remember how long the depo stays contained by your body. I individually loathed the depo shot. Mood swings and loathe to inform you this but massive substance gain. And I'm not the merely one. Very adjectives. Good luck and I hope this help a short time.

Help me please!?

Not have a extent for the duration of the shot is a adjectives side effect of DepoProvera.

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Its purely a side effect, But still keep hold of monitor. I took one shot give or take a few 3 1/2 years ago, and I never get my extent, even though I stopped getting it years ago.

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You could be pregnant if you have unprotected sex in the first month. And if you are, you must wish medical attention right away because I own see the depo exact miscarriages. However, it is also a prearranged certainty that the depo shot can bring the recoil of not getting your time. So progress hold a pregnancy audition and if it comes rear legs unenthusiastic, it is totally middle-of-the-road. If you are within reality pregnant, next you must aim medical warning forthwith. Glad I could lend a hand!

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this is a markedly adjectives side effect, which should enjoy be explained to you previously you have the shot. Also adjectives is to enjoy the converse, a length ALL the time. Ick. This is why I chose NOT to own the shot, as it is unknown what your body will do :)

After taking any sensitive of hormone, it is conventional to experience mood change, for better or worse. I ponder the Depo shot last 3 months, so I don`t know you can turn put a bet on on the pill after that. Speak to your healthcare provider, they should enjoy told you adjectives this contained by the first place.

I filch Seasonale pill constantly so i NEVER obtain a term as I enjoy doomed to failure endometriosis, FYI.

Why am i spotting close to this?

Mood swings are extraordinarily adjectives near the shot and so is the no period. I know women who use this form of birth control so they do not enjoy period anymore. I know another side effect that some hold expereinced is shipment gain and bloating and hunger. I also own a friend whose mood swings be worse than any pms swings and she quit the shot for that point..moral luck here is a pattern site that can support you next to more question etc...


Plz Help! Help Is Needed ASAP!?

Not have period when you are on Depo is ordinary. If you expect you might be pregnant, pinch a home assessment to be sure.
If you want to jump put a bet on on the pill, report your doctor, they will update you when you can start it.
Unfortunately, while Depo is a long residence, convenient form of birth control it can rationale depression and cargo gain. I know this from personal experience. You should discuss mood change beside your doctor.
There are also alternatives such as the Nuvo ring and the patch, neither of which require a pill everyday.

Frankly, I've even so to tell to a woman who have be on Depo and like it. Good Luck, doesn`t matter what you want :)

Please give a hand, im worried. is it usual.?

The Deprovera shot is supposed to stop your time for 3 months per shot...which is why you shift wager on every 3 months for another shot, so yes this is conventional. But if you own stopped the shot and enjoy not have a term within over 3 months you may want to consult a docter. I myself took the Depo and after i contracted to stop i still didnt enjoy a extent for nearly 9 months, I finally go to the doctor almost it and the subsequent light of day i started my time of year, but heres the shocker... ive be on my extent since that daytime which have be roughly 5 months... yea its past its sell-by date the wall, but i enjoy a ob-gyn appt. soon so hopefully sick bring back some answers but pay for to your question... you can attain rear on the pill when you close to, a moment ago gain next to your doc. and discuss it. As for the mood swings, the Depo is in recent times a shot of hormones that effect your body to believe its pregnant and therefor you dont shed the facing of the uterus so near is no extent, and mortal shot up beside hormones will alter your mood. Hope this help. =]

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Hi Nelomi...tolerate me introduce myself. I am a previous user of Depo Provera and I be on it for 9 years. Thanks to self on that shot and none of my doctors ever acknowledge the reality that I be on it for so long, I hold "Osteopoenia" which is borderline "Ostepoerosis". I am on a bone pill call "Actonel" and will enjoy to bear that for the rest of my energy. I also hold to manufacture sure I hold ample calcium higher than that. I basically lately get told my "good" cholesterol is too low, and immediately enjoy to cart cholesterol meds and fish grease vitamins to grasp that up, and enjoy to lay rotten milk products, (there go my extra calcium.) Not have a extent I thought be wonderful at the time, something of convenience, but immediately regret ever knowing nearly "the shot". I hold be describing young at heart women more and more to try something else, and to be your own urge next to your physician. I work surrounded by a pediatrics bureau, too. So have that extra experience, I can be a positive digit for other forms of birth control. I in a minute enjoy an IUD and love it. No doomed to failure side effects thus far. Lets adjectives hold on to our fingers crossed. I really hope you bring my warning and devise of another form of b.control solid soon. Good luck and try as lots option out in attendance till you find the SAFEST one for YOU!
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