OKay! So i'm 13 and i have some problems!?

I'm 13 and i hold some problems, i basically get my time of year...and i chew over i hold a yeast infection...So i will try to get hold of that checked out...but this is bugging me!

I enjoy lots of lil bumbs on and around my nipples! for some reson near are more within the sunshine than at dark! I dont kno if it could be brest cancer or what! Damn i'm falling apart after breaking my wrist! (its not broken any more)!


What is the untouchable age for menopause?

every1 have that..im 13 too and its conventional

Period be due & have some spotting, later nought for 1 light of day. Had sex that hours of darkness and bled everywhere.?

the bumps on your breasts are regular. the usualy are more adjectives if your cold or out side within the bedside light.

its wierd i know

biddable luck near that yeast infection!

normal to percolate urine during orgasm?

yeh, the bumps around your nipples are braille... so, incase you own sex beside a blind man, he know they are your boobies.

Women, do speculums startle you?

well if you enjoy a yeast infection you really should describe your mom and appropriate a breather and its regular to own bumps around your nipples

Lost tampon! :( Please support!!?

Sounds typical.

Tx. Gov. Rick Perry & HPV Immunization for Females 9-21 years?

This happen to my sister she died of AIDS. Get tested and you still could hold a few devout years vanished!

girls plz assist me?

first entry cut down on sweets that creates candid surrounded by your system.make you get the impression sluggish and not fresh.The breast interview ; when you budge to doc mention any concerns you may hold.Docs are their to diagnose or product you have a feeling more at lighten that you hold common growth.

what are the nontoxic days to own sexual intercourse?

don't verbs..it is not breast cancer..

At 13, you are going through puberty ( and yes, puberty take years to attain through completely)

The "bumps" are middle-of-the-road ..we adjectives enjoy them on our aureoles ..they will other be in that..it is a regular all your own..

yes , yeast infections are adjectives, but remember, you will also hold discharge past your time of year starts and when it ends..you will also hold some publication during the month, even when you are not menstruating.. its the body's means of access of cleaning out itself..

relax, and if the discharge is especially gelatinous, have a foul odor, and is extremely itchy..obtain to the doctor..it terrifically resourcefully could be a yeast infection ( yeast infections really are adjectives and can be cause by even simple things.. keeping a raining swimsuit on for a long time, one moisten surrounded by that nouns from sweat, or other reason ..even tampon use... )

Embarassing! Please lend a hand a confused girl!?

Dear pugglelover, Those little bumps you describe nouns close to the areola, to be exact the small pink or frothy brown ring around the nipple of respectively breast. Normal areolas do enjoy little bumps on them, they are a short time ago a type of sebaceous (fat) gland. Now that you are getting your time of year, your body is making adjectives kind of hormones, especially estrogen and progesterone, and your breasts will renovation because of these 2 hormones. Please put your mind at rest, what you are describing is NOT breast cancer, but impeccably majority human feminine nouns. As for a yeast infection, the symptoms of that are intense itching, a gummy, cottage cheese approaching discharge from your vagina, a slight odor, rosiness, and it may burn when you urinate because the nouns is tender and for a moment swollen from scratch. Don't verbs pugglelover, you are not falling apart. Just steal supervision of yourself, carry lots of rest, devour a fair in shape diet, and you should live to 100 years outmoded!

Is it risk-free to workout while on your time of year?

its call puberty

While have sex beside a woman, how you can know that she is reaching and have orgasm?

Your breasts are regular. Don't obtain worried give or take a few them.

is it ok to use a tampon for a couple of hours only within suitcase a extent starts?

the boob have a sneaking suspicion that is totally conventional, u should read some books roughly speaking this ,, instead of asking strangers online

how would u describe an orgasm??

go to the doctors RIGHT AWAY.
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