Frequent urination...constipation. periods?

ok guyz u get to serve me...m almost two weeks behind schedule...have no sex...m have ominous constipation...distress contained by the lower departed abdomin n gas..n I m peeing close to crazy...wats wrong wid any 1 of you hav have this problem! plz do give support to!!

Worrys in the order of Plan B?

stir see your gp you probly own a urinary infection and something is up near your colon. i hold ibs and i suffer near lower abdominal torment. the interval division might be due to the reality that your body is sick. travel to the doctor they will sort this out you are going to obligation medication

Oral sex and discharge?

you get to progress to the doctor,an ounce of prevention is better than cure

Does this nouns more similar to a ruptured ovarian cyst or kidney stone?

No-one here can diagnose you..

Go to your!

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As a psychotherapist, I see plentifully of these features of problems within men and women, childlike and outdated.

All I report them to do is 2 things, drink closely of river. You inevitability to consume at least possible 3 liters of river per year. The reason are:

(1) Constipation deal beside not ample sea surrounded by the body to comfort the colon to move the surplus and elminate.
(2) When not taking ample sea, survey your urine, it should be a dark tone of color and this is due to the reality that your body is trying awfully strong to rid of the toxins and squander within your body but it is not have adequate hose to rid of it and to be precise why it is using your body's hose down to do the work. This road it cause dampen retention and also surrounded by the elder ages, you will consistency a highly developed bitter horizontal within the body and also contract high level of uric sour which turns into gout.
(3) As relieving gas, you body is in truth wanting to rid of the rubbish surrounded by the body, due to the certainty it is not releasing the fritter away, your dissipate surrounded by your colon will build up toxic gas and thus your body will release gas instead. This is also related to your abdominal pains because of matching sense. Your body tend to force it self to push the debris and toxins out of your body.

Hope this lend a hand.

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you call for to travel and see your doctor!As Soon As Possible! could be really nothin but it requirements to be investigated!
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