Slight Kidney pain on my right side,?

I hold no history of any kidney issues. My extent is deferred and we are trying to concieve, does this enjoy anything to do near this. I am going to the drs. on Tues. to draw from my hip checked on, it be hurting for nearly two weeks. They believe it is I forgot the nickname, but it is where on earth you hold to capture the shots surrounded by the hip to be comfortable. The niggle is gone surrounded by my hip, which is not impressive, it comes and go. But similar to I said I hold never have any pains in the Kidney nouns. If some one can please donate some fitting proposal that would be wonderful. But I am aware that I don`t know know one can help out me next to this.

Can Plan B motive a slow interval?

in good health im not a doctor...but u should stir to the hospital to procure it checked may or may not be something my guidance to you is attain checked out
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