Question about my immensity..?

im 21 5'9 tall & weigh 11 stone 3 pound, is this slightly overweight? what is the lowest i can be? as i want to diet to be that weight. thanku!! xx

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Your BM! is 23.2 which is within the normal vigorous range.

Please serve? what do u think?

Type BMI into a prod engine and calculate your BMI. Some of them impart you a chart so you can see what your weight list should be. They aren't set in stone though. For example, some peep have broad builds or heavier bones so don't embezzle it as gospel. Anyway that doesn't sound at adjectives overweight to me, far from it in reality.


yes you are slightly over weight, but not excessivley so...around the ten stone flaw should be ok for your height....i would aim to be more or less a size 12 in clothes

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my god, no!!

im 5'7 and im supposed to be 11 stone - you hold NOTHING to worry in the order of sweetheart youre fine!

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hmmmm work out your bmi.

i don't expect you sound over consignment at all!! i don't devise you need to diet!!

your BMI should be between 20 and 25 so work it out and if it is afterwards you sound roughly right!

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