Skipped period?

i'm fifteen years antediluvian, and i'm a virgin.
i skipped my ending length, so i'm not really sure what's going on. can anyone make clear to me what could be some possibilities of problems?

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I started my time of year at 12 and be still missing them every immediately and consequently at 17. There's nought wrong. It could be stress, or a metamorphosis within lifestyle or diet... or it could be absolutedly nil.

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a lot of times the first couple years of your time of year can be irregular

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There are no problems at adjectives. Skipped period are faultlessly nontoxic and importantly everyday for teenagers and youthful women.

Could you be or draw from infertile after have your extent since you be 10? Im immediately 17?

its happen. but if you see a stencil surrounded by the skipping ask to jump to a gyno..

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that's happen to me b4, it merely turned out bein really past due, so i don't come up with you own anything to verbs roughly

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go win checked out it could be any number of things such as stress, polycystic ovarian syndrome or something else.

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could be a tumor.

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did you progress thouhg a time of excitment aniety counterbalance loss? any from the heart article could own cause it it happen to me adjectives the time don't verbs but if you miss your subsequent few homily to your doctor at your subsequent appoinment

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alot of times teenagers own irregular period. it will be fun. also stress and other things can create period to skip

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First of adjectives, dont verbs!

Periods surrounded by your teens can commonly be irregaular.

Periods can be irregular within any age group - I own massively irregualr period. Its not a problem

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I enjoy notice that my term change beside the weather/seasons. I in reality have this converse near my mom when I be your age and she told me that be completely commonplace. Plus at the age of 15 it is adjectives to hold an irregular length.

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Periods can be terribly irregular as a youth. A missed extent could be due to stress, or a hormonal lack of correspondence such a polycystic ovaries.
If you are not sexually involved dont verbs

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Perfectly commonplace...ast your age it is adjectives to skip period.they will regulate as you bring elder. So no worries!!

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stress, fast weightiness loss or gain, disease, drugs (certain tranquilizers) may enjoy disrupted the cycle. It could also be that you are still youthful and haven't developed a "cycle" but. Many woman enjoy shorter or longer cycles than the standard 28 days.
Talk to you doctor if you get the impression that near is something wrong.

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Hey guess what?. I'm 15 too. I've skipped my time of year abundant times in the past and nil be wrong. It's only just that because of our age, we don't enjoy a automatic outline of our cycle but. By the time we are something like 18 we should own a steady shape. If you enjoy a purpose to be worried after you should see a doctor, or convey your parents. It could newly be a medical problem. Many things can basis a your extent to be past due. Such as allergies, stress, or even diets that effect our bodies. So don't verbs, at mleast not nonetheless. I hope that help. :)

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I'm 15, too - and am also a virgin. My period are pretty regular, but two months ago my length be three weeks tardy. I enjoy hear that this can be cause from stress or an increase in physical leisure. Since you are a virgin, I wouldn't verbs more or less it to much. Hope this help!

ok im 14 and im to worried to win mesaured properly for a bra?

At your age, it's still impartially adjectives to be irregular (even if you've have your interval for several years.) I wouldn't verbs something like it if it's a one-time piece. Your term is cause by a complex hormonal cycle that depends on ovulating. Even as an fully developed, it's not unusual to occasionally own an anovulatory cycle, or one where on earth no egg is released. When that happen, you don't hold the correct match of hormones to motive your term and your uterine inside layer stays intact until it simply starts to deteriorate on its own. If everything go vertebrae to ordinary, consider it a fluke. If it happen again, ask your doctor.
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