Is this normal my daughter?

who is 17 have be on the pill for the final six months her period seem to be to second 3 weeks surrounded by a month she have be to her doc but told her she cant fine-tuning her pill as she have astma

What is this!?

When you are taking birth control pills consequently you are not truly have your length anymore...what you are have is bleeding which is brought on by the break in hormones when on the sugar pills. You will single bleed for a few days contained by the break. If your daughter is bleeding for weeks in a cycle of pills later near is something is not typical. If she is on the progesterone simply pill, she may hold spotting for a while, which is different than bleeding. If you are concerned, check in near another doctor, nurse or midwife for information specific to your daughter.

my girlfriend's on the pill, discharging a brown pasty stuff and heavier bloodflow during her term.?

Some women basically cannot lift the pill, minus experiencing this sort of 'side effect'. Your daughter might me one of them.

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I'm pretty sure that this is commonplace but would close to to know myself. I used to be on the pill and hold my extent for a month and even over? but it adjectives go backbone to mundane for me after a while, but i no longer am on the pill

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My sister is 16 and have long period, it comes at variable times, etc. Her friend also have this, her friends mother have it also when she be younger. She probably might own problems when shes elder, close to not man competent to enjoy children.

Girl examine. Can you comfort?

If she is on a combined pill (2 hormones) later no this is not typical and the pill should, ideally, be changed. If, however, she is on a mini pill (one hormone) next yes this is immaculately commonplace and should settle down surrounded by time. If after a year or so it still hasn't and she is finding it difficult to live near afterwards press for another brand.
Either channel, prolonged bleeding will not mar her within anyway as long as the pill is the justification for it and it doesn't hold a more sinister rationale.

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HI, here's other option besides the pill, for example in attendance is the patch, implantation and sometimes nearby better for infantile population because they can forget to filch the pill at the right time..
hope this help, well-mannered luck

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i believe your daughter have get some problems near her hormones, she may be have some hormonal inequality of some sort courtesy of the drugs or pills that she's be on. I've get this in-law of mine who have similar problems next to the duration of her time of year, it only just comes at adjectives, sometimes spanning into months but when it finally comes it last for a total 2 weeks and what a rush it would be! She finally get to see a gynecologist who recommended that she bear some test which confirmed that she have a large even of prophylactic [or something] which be greater than it should typically be thus obstruct the common course of her menstrual cycle.
Don't fret, it's effortlessly correctable and she'll be fine in no time at adjectives.
Good Luck.

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This is breakthrough bleeding and it can achievement greatly resembling a menstrual spell. Sometimes it can come about because the dosage of hormone contained by the medication itself is too low for the body to toy with.

This is plainly not majority and I would recommend getting another feelings from a doctor that does not share duplicate organization of the doctor she currently see.

You mentioned that she have asthma I would recommend checking near the doctor that treats her asthma as very well to see what they enunciate going on for this issue to see if one of the meds she uses for her asthma could be playing in to this. Sometimes steroids can basis this bleeding if it have to be stopped for a time (learned this from my gynecologist when she asked me in the order of this one time) and also thought I experienced something resembling this a couple weeks ago beside a drug I took for my bronchitis.

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your daughter should request around getting the coil fitted, i have to do this for matching reason as your daughter and my doctor reccomended the Minera Coil because the hormones that it releases are individual released around the pelvic nouns unlike other coils where on earth they travel through your blood stream, since getting the coil fitted my period enjoy become almost non-existent and i havent have any bother what so ever next to my asthma since have it put within.

the other fitting factor is that it doesnt own to be changed for 5 years but you can hold it removed at any time.

hope this help.
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