Ectopic pregnancy?

I am have a sharp twinge contained by my abdominal nouns. I missed my time for 2 months and have my interval lately for with the sole purpose 2 days. However, I own taken 2 pregnancy assessment and they own both be glum. Is it possible to hold an ectopic pregnancy when the results are glum? By the approach, I am making a doctors appointment today to seize this issue checked out.

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No, contained by certainty, when a womanly come within beside abdominal stomach-ache and the doctor suspected an ectopic pregnancy, one of the first things we did in the ER be run a pregnancy oral exam. If it be glum, we know it be not an ectopic pregnancy.

However, I am glad you are making a doctor's appointment. The agony could be copious things and one grounds could be an ovarian cyst or even PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) which can head to irregular period and skipping period. Of course, those are only two things that might be cause your problems. The doctor will be capable of find out what the physical problem is.

You didn't speak if your pregnancy test be home test or blood test. If home test, please expect a pregnancy question paper to be one of the test the doctor will do. In some women, HCG rises slowly so a home pregnancy tryout does not pick it up...a blood pregnancy trial is far more sensitive. The doctor might also do an ultrasound to visualize your ovaries. Just be sure to brand name that appointment!

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the pain on your side could only unbelievably ably be a ovarian cyst....I have two of those and they hurt approaching hell.....simply jump to the doctor asap and catch it checked out.....dont agree to it jump because you may cessation up losing an ovary.......Good Luck

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I have 3 negative next to the urine test....and I be pregnaunt. Go for the blood test since it is better.

Good luck......

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