I am being stalked by a crazy neighbor!?

I basically moved into this apartment complex. One of my neighbors is a nutcase. She doesn't work and does zilch adjectives time but snoop into empire's business. She keep departure transcription on my door and following me.

What should I do? How do you business beside a character approaching this?

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She might of late be friendly since you enjoy single of late moved contained by.
If the proceedings are repulsive or insolent keep hold of them as evidence, contained by casing she ever does anything strange, that opening you can report her to the police for singling out.
She may also want to be your friend if she is lonely, since she doesn't work in that might be a common sense for that.
Try conversation to her, if you don't want to of late explain to her that you don't close to her following you, but you don't mind chitchat to her if she ever requests a chat - As long as it isn't around other those surrounded by the community ( Since you say-so she pokes her trunk contained by other peoples business. )


record every "crazy" entity she is doing to be precise scare you, contact the local police and engender a formal complaint. There are stalking and harrassment law. You can enjoy someone arrested for stalking/harrassment for going away a disagreeable message on your answering tool..I thinnk a few years ago I would own be too panicky to do that.but I estimate in a minute, I newly come to a point where on earth I realize I didn't enjoy to live contained by fearfulness anymore. (I read to frequent "true crime" books haha)

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Just humiliate her. I know it may come across thorny to do, but she probably have nil else to do and you are the hottest contained by the neighborhood so you enjoy given her something to do, it probably will stop.

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Keep the proceedings (as evidence,,,,time and date them) and if she get to the point of person overbearing, tip off her you will contact the police and seize a restraining demand. If this make her silly, after carry the restraining direct or it will simply attain worse. Tell her your vivacity is none of her business and you prefer she keep her distance from you. It is best to enjoy a plan within place. She may complain to other neighbors in the region of you not appetite her, but you are within control of your enthusiasm, not her or them. If anything happen to your vehicle, they will own someone to look at as a suspect..

Good luck!

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Well at hand are two things that you can do..one is nice and one is "rough" however any will solve your problem. Remember that if she isn't working, she is simply looking for things to occupy her time and is probably lonely...have said that here are your choices.

1) Ignore her, when she have disappeared transcript, crumble them and depart them for trash outside the door. Tell her you are busy and what not if she approaches you for a conversation, or a snoop session. Pointedly avoid contact next to her (i.e. look the other means of access, embezzle a different route to your apartment etc.) .

2) Tell her flat out to stop bothering you, and that while you appreciate her interest, you aren't in the souk for bright friends and that you are more of a private personage.

Just remember that you never know when you may call for someone!! Good Luck!~
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