Help next to My boobs!?

Id there a pill that will trade name them bigger? This girl in my university takes birth control for her obverse or something & her boobs are pretty big so I was wondering if that's what does it... :)

Answers:    dont be so insecure..youre gorgeous because god made you just the passageway you are..and just be yourself..
find implants explicitly the only route. Birth Control is supposed to make you gain 10 lbs. when you start taking it. I also hear it helps near acne. I heard it made your boobs bigger, but for me, that unfortunatly didnt work
um.. i believe near is.. i dont know where hold you tried google googe is very positive xD good luck No it is not! God give you what he wanted you to own if you feel resembling you want them bigger wait give or take a few 6 months re-evaluate how you feel after talk beside a boob specialist. They can make them bigger but in that are so many risk..So do your research first..
haaaaaaaaaaa, only try to ... Wtf? What does birth control have to do next to your face? And no, zilch can make your boobs bigger unless you gain shipment, have a little one, or get implant.
hahahahaha! Birth Control generally make you fatter all over...not only in the boobs. Why do you have need of huge boobs? Men would die for a shot with Kate Hudson and enjoy you seen her itty bitties? for her obverse? uhh no. this happens natrually and you shouldn't rob pills for it either. u can achieve a surgrey but i do not suggest it.
I both seriously doubt it and don't suggest trying. You're not going to help yourself by enlarge your boobs, and I know that you probably hear this a lot but that's because it's true. When it get right down to it, guys don't care in the region of brest size. They may notice it but it isn't similar to that's ever going to be a huge disability or anything.
Keep your chin up, life's too short to change yourself. Yes, the "pill" you speak of is Yaz. It's birth control, and it does backing with acne. I know these two sisters that pilfer Yaz, and both have discovered smaller amount blemishes on their face and also enjoy noticed disorganized growth of their boobs. It also has the plus of making your time of year come lighter and for shorter periods of time. This is because Yaz make your body think it's pregnant, thus making your breasts larger and (when you're pregnant, you don't grasp periods, but yeah... I guess it does something to shorten your period, which is GREAT). I'm not sure what does the skin trick, but it seems pretty amazing. I might start taking it!

Hope that help you out!!

Let me know if you need any more assistance.
I'm here to help you.
Some girls gain bigger boobs than others.No there is not a pill but some girls adjectives so will have big boobs but they don't grow as swiftly as others.Wait in till your 20 or so and if you still don;t resembling your boobs get surgrey that make them big. She'll be on birth control pills to help control her spots or acne. And because of the eostrogen released when you're on the pill your breast size will increase a touch, but you also put weight on within other areas like your butt and thighs, i did..
i reflect on plastic surgery makes the boobs nice looking BUT its touch or consistency become sooo bad and fantastic looking when it naked..;) the single thing i can voice it to get surgery done depending on how hoary you are you may not want to take birth control pills bc it may disrupt your "system" but if you are elder than a teen's age go ahead and try it you will never know until you TRY! gl
yes going on the contracpetive pill can product them bigger, I am naturally I size 34C but since I go on the pill im a 34D-DD! Its great! also, cutting out adjectives fat can construct ur boobs smaller, u need to drink things like pasa and pesto and chocolate etc to declare a figure similar to that..not all the time, but in the region of once every two days or so... long as u walk places sometimes instead of driving everywhere and are justifiably active, you wont obtain fat at adjectives.

However since I have be on it, my skin has get worse...I hate it when ppl generalise similar to that (the other answers), Ive been on 3 diff types and one made me put on slightly a lot of counterweight, which I have lost very soon, the other one made mty period pains WORSE and finally I own found one that suits me.but even then I return with a couple of spots a month now which I never used to win, being 22 Ive pretty much grown out of acne, or at least possible I thought I had...

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