Drinking is masculine? what u reacon?

is drinking a manly craving? are we giving up our femininity when we partake in drinking? is this an feat for feminism that we can travel out and drink or are we victims of masculinisation?
would merely resembling to append im looking at this for my uni dissertation, it is not my view a moment ago some of the issues raise surrounded by my research and would approaching some other opinion on it

What is wrong beside me?

I dream up merely have a peaceable chalice of wine or something is fine but binge drinking - going out near the express intention of getting worthless, chugging pints, vomiting in the street, warfare and screaming and acting approaching a drunken adjectives is fundamentally much mannish practice plus its chavvy and horrible and gluey.


i dont come up with so at adjectives.

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Drinking in number is not a smart move within any sex. It is also becoming an ever increasing problem in Britain today, far greater it seem than contained by most other European countries.

We also enjoy disastrous drug culture!

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I believe the word "reckon " should be removed from the English terminology.

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Drinking alcohol isn't pinned on us men,near are in recent times as plentiful feminine drinkers out within.But I live within the UK and we enjoy a doomed to failure reputation when it comes to drinkers.
Moderate drinking is ok but I don't drink at adjectives,make me misbehave and go and get arrested so i avoid it.
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As long as the man induldges me beside gifts and treats me resembling the goddess I am, what do I attention if he drinks or not?

Wellits sensitive of emberassing to ask?


A few drinks (up to 4) is sociable, and fine for any sex.

Binge drinking is crude, childish and ridiculous. In any sex, it is totally unlikeable, and a total rubbish of correct money.

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this is interesting.........when i hold mentioned to some Asian ppl around drinking beer..........they woould be shocked and say aloud that solely men drink beer. seem approaching a regional piece....and within this region (southern US states) women drink it close to it be bottled for them. we start out w/ the lights and ultras....cuz we are women ya know.......after when we own have lately enouph.......we switch over to the MAN ones. at that time it doesnt thing.your gonna bring back drunk as a skunk any agency.BUT........the subsequent afternoon......i'm still a woman....a awfully sick one. you cant drink away your femininity.

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What you're saw is that drinking is not "lady-like", if I fathom out you correctly.

Well, within my feelings, standing at the hotel, downing pint after pint, relating rude joke and pinching passing-by men's butts really is not lady-like. Or feminine. Or polite.

But women can also drink (and go and get drunk) particularly "gracefully". They (we) other enjoy and other will. A nice chalice looks hugely nice contained by a woman's mitt. A woman doesn't hold to behave similar to a sailor when she drinks.

However, I am aware of the tons of binge-drinking women in UK. Groups of loud women swaying along the street, pubescent girls behavin literary "close to sailors" and common hen party... adjectives this is, mildly said, concerning.

i necessitate 2 know when im going to start!?

binge drinking is a typically manly hobby. and its stupid.

however i dont deem moderate drinking is mannish or feminine,

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