Help girls please?

I took the morning after pill on the start of july.
on the 18th i gotmy spell.
it last in the order of 2-3days next a week next i get another time of year solely it be lighter and last 3-4 days.
on friday i get another length and it be away by saturday!
immediately im have brown discharge :S
Why is this?

Im curious in the region of the things im sense?

If this is after taking the pill..i did research and i suppose it is one of those things that is to say freshly an aftereffect of the pill.
Below is the association i found for it.

How do i achieve my term to come sooner?

oh god! Get bad the Internet and turn to the doctor!

Help next to urinary throbbing!?

umm.. you obligation to travel to the docotr and gain this cheacked out.

apposite luck.

Would you plan a pregnancy short your husband's consent?

I'm not entirely sure, it could in recent times be your hormones trying to settle after taking the morning after pill. I would bring in an appointment near your doctor or nurse to chat to going on for it, as they are more trained on this subject. I'm sure it is zilch to verbs nearly though. Good luck

Have You Ever Heard of a Drive-By Stabbing ??

That doesn't nouns right. You should probably dance to the doctor to find out what is going on.

Tell me ur emberressing stories ?

The morning after pill beyond doubt sends your hormones into a tail spin, not to verbs this is completely mundane. If it continues or you enjoy any pregnancy symptoms ( which I doubt you will) contact your OB. If you presently on the pill and you took emergency contraception you may have need of to contact your OB to regulate. Otherwise relax you will even out within a few more weeks.

I want to parley to someone around..?

The morning after pill does use plentifully of hormones to prevent pregnancy. Your body is probably still getting backbone to conventional after taking it. Unless this continues for months, you are regular and enjoy nil to verbs around.

Help spell for 3 weeks strait?

go to the doctor hon even beside the morning after pill this isent right u shouldent enjoy 3 period contained by 4 weeks no business how wishy-washy or substantial they r, well brought-up luck xxx

this is a really embarassing examine have this ever happen to anyone after have a tot?

You nouns as though you may be pregnant. You should run at a rate of knots to the doctor and take this checked out instantly!

Let's hope you're not going thru a miscarriage.

Urinary tract infection?

Sounds to me that you are losing 'hoary blood' this probably indicates that you enjoy Miscarried but you may inevitability a D& c to be sure that adjectives is removed as this would explain the on bad bleeding, I enjoy miscarried 4 times 1st be similar to you are discribing

ladies relief how can i receive rid of these stretch grades ?

Morning after pills affect the system inadequately. It contains abundantly of hormones. Just look after yourself and save track of what's going on. If in a month or so you not vertebrae to ordinary. Go to the doctor and enjoy him sustain.

Embarassing interrogate .warning appreciated?

Speak to the doc something like this.

FYI you can get hold of pregnant at the age of 15, I know that and so do you otherwise you wouldnt enjoy taken the morning after pill!
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