Am i the one and only personality or girl who think this??!! girls please answer?

I want everyone to know before you read this that I am not anyone sexist against guys, I was wondering if any other girl feel as though we have it alot worse than guys. Some examples...
1.) We have little rights along time ago/ancient times
2.) We go through strain while losing virginity
3.) We have to pass birth to a child which is very bloody
4.) We have a time of year we have to contract with every month, which is bumpy from cramps
5.) We have to shave most our body pelt
6.) We are vulnerable to be raped
7.) If we cheat on our husband/boyfriend we bring back called slut/whore/skank(not wise saying it is good to cheat either) but when men do it, not a soul really cares that much
8.) Some girls dont return with attention from guys unless they dress slutty but if they do choose to dress that way they would be considered a slut
9.) Some guys estimate girls are not as strong as guys.
I dont want to hurt anyone by asking this question/statement. And I would like as much opinion as possible. Please dont be mad.

Answers:    Oh my.. I.. wow.. you.. Oh.. God you completely spoke my mind! I've be thinking that for so long! I'm always discussion about it near my friends and my boyfriend even, and they all agree near me! Omg it's so AWESOME that someone else thinks that!

I'd resembling to add a bit more, if you don't mind?

10) We own to do our hair, makeup, adjectives that to get guys to even mind us.
11) Kind of ties in beside what you've already said, but look at everything we've listed. ESPECIALLY! Child birth, period, nursing, pregnancy, media, shaving, everything, and men own the NERVE to say they're stronger than us?!

Whew, that feel so good to vent near.. Thanks!

Also! The whole "women inequality" entry isn't in yesteryear. As much as people articulate it is, it's not.
yea so society sucks I completely agree! ..
We Definitely Have It Worse, But You Know What, Why Would You Want To Be A Guy Anyway??
Not Anywhere Near As Much Fun! =D
Yes I agree.
I hate the power men enjoy. ANd we give them that power. I agree, we do hold it so much harder then guys.. Damn.
you never answered a request for information. well coming from a guy yes thats adjectives true and sorry life have to be that way.
you budge girl! it is so like that contained by life. Its True

I blame it adjectives on Adam nd Eve lol
this is why there is no path on earth god could possibly be womanly. lol. blah blah blah in Vietnam babyish American boys died for their country FORCED they were drafted women be not!
im 20 and i registered with the selective service should the draft be re-Enstated i would be call to serve my country WOMEN ARE NOT REQUIRED TO SIGN UP WITH SELECTIVE SERVICE FAIR?
yeah, life sucks, but we can other knee them surrounded by that certain stinging area :) I noticeably see what your saying and agree near those things. However, there are patently positives that come along with self a woman, the biggest of these is being competent to be a mother.
Yes, it sucks that all those things are fruitless, but I honestly think women are stronger than men emotionally, so we are competent to best handle it!
yes i agree beside you on everything but thats jsut the way that this crazy world have turned out to be!! it sucks for us!! yeah.
Yes i completely agree.
They don't care nearly this either.
But do give somebody a lift into consideration that its very itchy also for a man when his wife orders the snip!! :)
LOL (my hubby sittin right subsequent to me reading what im typing!)
yeah i no i tottally understand. im not sexist any but guys just enjoy it wayyyy to easy! and they don't realize that girls own it hard, and they should!=] yeah even i have a sneaking suspicion that about it sometimes
Things own changed alot since back within the day, and women dont seize half the credit we should go and get. But that is where on earth I fight to be independent, and to take home something of myself and be acknowledge for it! To let you guys realize if it wasnt for us, the world would slowly stop, result in we are the key to your kids!! true plenty
yea...we totally have it agency worse that guys Oh sweetheart, I can tell you're immature enough not to know it simply gets worse - if you have an idea that losing virginity / periods / childbirth are the pits, I'm sorry to permit you know the menopause is no great shakes. Irregular, heavy period, hormonal imbalance, moodswings, counterbalance gain particularly focused on the belly (how mean is that?!), incontinence, prolapse of the uterus, vaginal dryness, loss of sex drive, thinning fleece, heart disease, uncontrolled flushing/ sweating. Remarkable that most women I know would still be a woman if they could choose. Guess we must really LOVE high heels!
I realize I'm a guy, although you did ask if you are the merely person who think that way, but pretty much those are NOT requirements.

1) That's days gone by - start to live in the adjectives.
2) That I can't argue back...above all because I'm a virgin and not female.
3) You don't HAVE to dance through childbirth. Whatever happened to adopt a kid or plain just not have one?
4) Not all girls enjoy to deal beside such painful cramps, although, I do follow it's hell.
5) Whoever said you HAVE to? For the most part, I judge it's just legs&any fully clad guy will be caringnot give a damn if they wrapping up up getting hairy once contained by a while.
6) You're just MORE vulnerable&MORE promising to be raped.
7) ...Yes, they do. Your area must suck * if not a soul gives a damn in the order of a thing approaching that.
8) Uh, I've seen plenty of girls who don't dress slutty and still receive a lot of attention from guys.
9) So what? Those guys are IDIOTS.

Above adjectives, stop living in times gone by. Realize there's no requirements of being a womanly, apart from the ones you've given yourself. Be yourself - someone WILL like you, cut the idiots who say otherwise.

EDIT: I fully believe women are STILL not as equal as I'd resembling it to be, but no one's taking charge.
&you don't need jacksh*t to obtain a guy to notice you. If he doesn't close to you for what you are, he's not worth your time. Too many females rely on what the guy think, not what they think.
you are so right! i deem instead of us having period and baby stance the guys should try it out! TOTALLY AGREE
Basically, your question is "do some people/women quality that it is harder to be a woman than it is a man". Yes, I believe a majority of women do feel that road. Although I don't think its for exactly the reason stated above, but your statements are certainly sector of a greater issue. Women are historically paid smaller number than men, appreciated less for our contributions to society and are of course vulnerable to crimes because of unparalleled physical strength.
We do enjoy some privelages, however. And those, my dear, you will come to realize as you get elder. It's not bad mortal a woman, trust me. And giving birth, while painful for a short amount of time, is one item I doubt any woman considers a drawback to being one. i cogitate about it. surrounded by my opinion girls should be better than men. but men are ALWAYS on top. they're the presidents, the first guys on the moon, the inventors of resembling EVERYTHING! while their wives were probably home cooking, cleaning, taking protection of the kids. its was a screwed up society. but in a minute things are better, so dont worry to much going on for it. sure we try to get boys attention, but they try to obtain ours too. try to put yourself in their shoes. it wouldnt be that comfortable.
I totally agree with you but time sucks and s u c k s= fun lol my dad says that. it is how duration works and woman have to concord. have u ever thought what merits do women have?
1. women are most bful human beings which are created by God.
2. they are respectful within every field, though males dont behave resembling that. but their are few good males who respect women.
3. muse about thing of tolerance. it is the females only who own great tolerance power as compared to males. males are intolerable.
4. think something like giving birth. it is the women only who own filled duration in this planet and God hasn't given any right to males for keeping world alive.
5. Think about propriety. its only females who are fully clad but males doesn't understand.
6. estimate about studies. its the females who are other excellent in stdies as compared to males.
7. its simply women who always forgive sins of males. coz God have created women for forgiveness.
8. but one shud never forget some good those like Raja Ram Mohun Roy who provided great respect ot women. but males are other trying to forget all this.

Males should other respect females .
A lot of life is unreasonable and we can bash the system all we want, however, person a woman is a beautiful entry.

Losing your virginity is painful surrounded by more ways than one if you aren't ready for it. Please mind with whom you share that contribution. You can never get it rear legs. And if it is gone, then you can reclaim your power by one selective and careful. It one and only takes one time to alter your vivacity forever, whether through and STD or pregnancy. It is no small matter.

Being competent to give birth to a child is an experience that no man will ever be capable of experience and although it is painful at the time, it also is a offering. You will have a bond next to your child that NO ONE will ever be able to touch. It doesn't sort you better, only blessed. All the other stuff the backache leading up to that the period every month and the shaving, are small inconveniences to being a woman. Although I do know that they are annoying. You an also choose not to shave if explicitly what you want.

Dressing like a slut purely hurts you. You can look sassy and still be dressed modestly.

You sound resembling you are young still. There is profusely of prejudice in the world. Remember that one a girl is tough and you will get a reputation if you don't behave contained by a conservative manner. A small price to settle up for dignity.

Being young is really not flowing and being a girl isn't any. I have no model what it feels resembling to be a boy, but being a girl can touch wonderful if you don't get sucked into the boy/girl period of war. Empower yourself with your feminine side. Not near your physical strength. Women/girls have a power that men/boys will never enjoy and vice versa. Relish the differences. People don't measure your worth on whether you can see someone's butt.

I always try to remember the statement that my grandmother said to me, which take on new purpose as I get elder. REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE. Today for me it means don't sacrifice yourself for the whims of others.

Okay, I will go and get off my soapbox presently. Be at peace with yourself.
oh god this is SO TRUE..
benign of sad but hey men are ass0s
intellectual that the hard style and im still looking for the
right one after giving birth to my s0n..
**and were single mothers.**
while they sit home next to no worries.

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