Help with urinary pain!?

After taking antibiotics i get the dreaded yeast infection. I've taken diflucan and the itching have stopped. Now the problem is when i try to urinate it hurts approaching hell! Doesn't get the impression resembling a urinary tract infection, more close to i'm a moment ago irritated. Any tips to give support to? Thanks surrounded by mortgage!

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The yeast make the skin really red and irritated. It have to make well again. Your urine is probably simply irritating the skin around the urethra b/c the yeast made it red and inflamed. Give it a few days and see if it improve, otherwise ask your doctor.

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Try getting the sachet from the pharmacy that make your urine more alkaline, also you could try drinking lots of cranberry liquid.

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The observable answer would be cranberry liquid. It usually reduce anguish when peeing. If you don't safekeeping for the piece, mix it beside Sprite or 7-up.

If it continues for more than three days, walk pay for to the doctor and describe adjectives symptoms and anything you've done to treat symptoms. Don't douche and don't stick anything where on earth it doesn't belong. Also avoid tampons if it's that time.
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