This is a really embarassing question has this ever happened to anyone after having a baby?

i merely have a babe 1 month ago. a couple weeks ago body tissue (about the size of a tennis orb come out of me i see the doctor and she said every article would be fine. today i am still bleeding. and freshly 10 minutes ago i took a sh*t and it hurt alot and i be also bleeding from my a**. whats going on?? pls abet me


The first time?

While endorsement bloodclots the size of tennisballs is for a moment unusual.a few here and near maby the size of a golfball and. to own your length for a while after you have a tot is completly commonplace (6-8 weeks is making up for the time that you did not enjoy one during pregnancy ;))The bleeding out of your butt is in recent times simply from enjoy put so much strain on everything when you give birth..constipation is everyday and that cause hemorroids which within return explains the bleeding out of the butt..
Everything will be fine...a few more weeks of bleeding and next you are put a bet on to yourself entity is to stroll alot right immediately..drink plenty of hose to loosen the transport contemplation of the hemorroids..

Congrats on the tot!


there be alot of things in that sentence that i dident similar to...turn to the hospital

Period Problems!! HELP!!?

Maybe this will assist you. A month after i have my daughter i be still bleeding. My lower stomach be hurting and i couldnt use the restroom. Well I go to the hospital and they did a ultrasound on me and found out nearby be tissue still within my uterus. I have to hold a D&C done. I believe you still enjoy tissue within ur uterus and if I be you I would move about to the hospital explain to them ur symptoms and carry checked out. Obvioiusly ur doctor isnt worried around it. But I would be. I know what i go through and you inevitability to bring back checked out. 3 days after i have her i lost what u lost. But yes progress to the hospital and achieve checked out. Good luck! Congrats on ur toddler. Enjoy it. I know i delight in person around my little one.

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