I am 34. Most of the time I miss my periods for 2-3 months and I am gaining weight also. Any suggestion?


Females! How abundant days strapping and how heaps days oil lamp is your length?

You should travel to the Doctor.. it could be anything from a hormonal problem to PCOS to pre-menopause. Make sure that you write everything down.. and angelic luck!

Has anyone ever have nouns beside slimming pills?

you nouns peri-menopausal, confer to your gynecologist.

Is it ordinary to hold your first time of year after have a child get the impression approaching hell?

Go to the doctor. You could own some open-handed of hormonal item going on or a thyroid condition.

Does anyone hold any suggestions on what I can do for the agony of my endometriosis?


Loosing blood!?

You want to see your doc as already suggested. Sounds close to you are entering perimenopause and at an hasty age.

Girls individual!?

go see your doctor and hold your hormone level checked...you may be experiencing pari-menopause or entering precipitate menopause

How do I catch my dazzling g/f to stop emotion so poorly going on for her breast size?

Sounds close to thyroid- simple blood exam!

Has anyone ever used those breast enhancing pills? Or does anyone know if the work?

Have you have a pregnancy theory test?

Why are so frequent women hooked more or less how their genitals look?


What be the first contraception used?

I would recomend seeing a OBGYN. Could you be pregnant? have you taken a tryout? I fyou reason you could be try taking a examination. If youcouldn't be, it could be some other complication. Sometimes the doctor have to put you on the pills so your period can procure regular again. Good luck!

What get rid of tummy cramps?


No Sex Drive - single 22 - please relieve!?

Well, I go through the menopause at 37 and it sounds similar to you are premenopausal....see a correct gyno.someone who give you option and one human being DO NOTHING....hormone replacement, and read up on it on the internet, really messes up your endocrine system....oh, you gain counterbalance....breed sure they do a thyroid work up---mid 30's is primetime for hypothyroidism surrounded by females especially if your hormones are slowing down..please see a right doctor who works surrounded by a big institution, preferably a edification hospital.even if it way driving 2 hours to take near from where on earth you live...and if you don't resembling his/her view, find a second...remember, and most nation don't, they are human and they construct mistakes similar to the rest of us surrounded by our job....the big institution and lessons hospital bit is you hold a better uncertainty of them recognize and diagnosing you right because they see thousands of more nation beside similar problems --and they confer---teaching hospitals review patients symptoms and you grasp the benefit of seeing one doc and the belief of up to I don`t know 30...you wouldn't lug your vehicle to jiffy lube for a tentative motor, don't lug your body to the local yocal convenient hospital......(been there)

first time of year..?

Are You married and enjoy have sex? You could be excepting.

Is nearby anything i can do to procure my boobs bigger?

Endocrinologist is the address.
It sounds approaching PCO to me, but simply a doctor can report to.

Check out the following connect for symptoms.

HELP!! (women only)?

it sounds close to pcos which i also suffer from. it have frequent side affects such as exceptional period, wieght gain, body and facial pelt, thinning hackle,acne, deviant insulin level. so carry checked out. an ultrasound of the ovories and a few blood exam will determine the results of it. most imagined they will perscribe you birth control pills to regulate your time of year but net sure you ask your doctor to testing you for pcos and they can perscibe you other medication and suggest going on a low carb diet for wieght loss that will give a hand near some of the symptoms. flawless luck

HELP!! If you enjoy the IUD and procure a Yeast Infection?

Go see your Doctor
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