Period HELP!!?

I am so confused!!
I do not like talking almost this stuff with my parents so i avoid the subject, but I need some info!

please answer the following as best as you can (please dont be mean)
-I am 14 gonna be 15 surrounded by June and I dont know if im late or if something is wrong
-What are the signs that my first period is coming
-should i be wearing pantyliners adjectives the time just in bag if i think that it may be coming up
-Does anyone else get whitish brownish crusty stuff within their underwear
-how often do you change a wad
-should I wear a pad everyday during my period
-will i touch the bleeding
-on my first one, will there even be blood
-can the stomach pains become unbearable
-does a length cause you to throw up or be too sick to go to college
-how is this going to affect my daily life
and please throw surrounded by any other tips that you think will help me!



Can you describe need to pee?

u will know when ur first period is coming when u feel cramping, bloating, totally emotional and you may have spotting. and within is nothing wrong with u if u havent get them yet, u may be lucky and not get them until ur 16.
its superfluous to wear liners all the time, its really in recent times a waste if there is nought there.
u change a wad every 1-2 hours, depending on ur rate of discharge and how absorbent ur pads r.
if u wear a wad then yes u will feel the bleeding, it doesnt hurt it newly feels like a trickling sentiment.
there may or may not be blood on ur first one, it all depends, the one method u can know is if u ask ur mum about her first time and experiences, it will help u take in and be prepared for ur own
the pains can become unbearable, and yes it can cause u to throw up or miss a morning of school, but its recommended that if they interrupt ur daily enthusiasm in any way what so ever after u must see a doctor because there could be a medical problem (sorry i dont mean 2 startle u)
it will affect ur life in the summer when u want 2 swim if u wear pad, u cant go in the dampen with pads but if u wear a tampon afterwards u can swim.
other than that, it wont affect it much, just regular trips to the bathroom, remember polite hygiene during this time, take pain killer if u need them, it will take u a while to capture used to it all, and for the first 2 years or so u will probably be irregular and keeping track of it may be hard.
u really should speech 2 ur mum about this, or a friend who already has hers, or an elder sister if u have one or a cousin or an aunt or any other female u can trust near this.

New hairstyle! may look discouraging but may be mental morale almost it. HELP PLEASE!?

oh darling, you sound similar to you are really stressing about it. that actually could be cause the tardiness, but really dont worry. every infantile girl's body is different. i can tell you only from experience that i get no warning signs that mine was coming, no cramps or anything. BUT. when it finally did come it didnt take home a huge mess. if you are in tune with your body, you will get the impression kinda like you are about to pee or seep. but then if you go to the bathroom afterwards you should see it on the toilet paper before it hits your panties. basically dont take any feeling down in that lightly or you could end up near a mess. it would be silly to wear a pad everyday if nothing be happening though. But DEFINATELY make sure you other have one with you, within your backpack, purse or whatever. during your period, yes it is smart to wear a wad everyday. some girls have a really light term and can just wear a tampon, but if you dont want to worry in the order of it as often, especially in university and stuff you should wear a pad even if your wearing a tampon. (which by the way, if you are not sexually busy, tampons kinda hurt when you first start using them and can cause toxic shock syndrome in young at heart girls) your first period may be really light or short or pretty the oposite. the first morning of my first period, i stood up and it looked like a waterballoon fell out of me. sorry if thats too grafic, but it be a huge supprise. some girls get cramps sooo bad that they cant jump to school or can feel nautious, but i estimate thats kinda rare, unless your a sissy. advil or midal has other helped. OH. and about the whitey brown crusty stuff. i have that too.. i really dont know what that is, but it has stopped and ive be to a docter and im totally healthy. i hope this helps. a short time ago relax.. it kinda sux that as girls we have to deal near it, but its really not that bad.

Am I commonplace?

Different girls get their period at different times. Getting it at 14 or 15 is still normal. There aren't any signs that your first period is coming except mabye mild cramps. The first interval is usually light. You can carry around a wad in your purse if it makes you discern better. Having your period does not make you throw up but can brand you have "cramps" which can be mild to fairly painful(but managable) lower stomach aching that can last anywhere from 1 to 4 days in my experience. Please stop worrying almost it so much, there is really no need to verbs. And, please talk to your mom about it, even if it does embaress you, she will appreciate, and you will be relieved to get some answers. Good luck!

I don't quality pregnant?

If you don't get your time by 16, then maybe you should see a doctor.
You might hold cramps, but if not, just be in position. You don't have to wear pantyliners all the time, but transport them with you just within case.
Yes, it is normal to hold discharge. I actually had it right previously my first period, so it could be a sign.
You change a wipe every few hours. It depends on how heavy your period is. Yes, you hold to wear a pad for the whole time you enjoy it.
No, you probably won't feel the bleeding.
Yes, there will be blood.
In some cases, the cramps can be painful. If it's that bad then you can be put on birth control pills. Cramps suck, and some girls throw up. But it's unlikely that you will bring that sick from it. I've stayed home from school a couple of times due to my period, but you grain better with Midol or Motrin and a heating wad.
It will affect your daily life because you will hold to wear a pad. Also, it can cause mood swings and stuff close to that. You will still be able to play sports. If you want to use a tampon then you can still shift swimming.

Don't worry! Everything will be fine. It's not that bad, I promise. Hope I help. =]

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