Black discharge at end of period?

With ending interval, firstly it come a hours of daylight untimely, later it go on a couple of days longer than usual. On the final daytime I have black discharge. It be similar to runny ink and be DEFINITELY black. Never have this since and be have period for 10 years. What is it?

What does sum1 be determined by SMALL FRAMED GIRL?

the black discharge is probably elderly blood, which is nil to be concerned in the order of. the elder the blood, the dark. BUT... enjoy it checked out beside a doctor (in-case I am wrong). Don't verbs in the region of it mortal an infection, if it be, it would be creamy (like pus).

why am i depressed?

it sounds to me resembling older blood, but if you are that worried and unsure chat to your doc!!

If a girl just have sex once but doesnt plan on have sex for nearly 7 years?

I cogitate it's only the blood that's be near too long that it dried. Don't verbs, but purely surrounded by armour, enjoy it checked out!

Only for girls please?

It could be "old" blood. But I am not sure I would budge to a doctor.
I found this
Black Discharge Vaginal
Black discharge vaginal is unlikely cause by urinary infection or human papillomavirus. If you are taking birth control medication, you may be advise to lessen the dosage or stop using it for a while. You call for to consult a doctor and receive essential treatment that repairs menstrual cycle and releases cramps if near are any. Black discharge vaginal is unlikely cause by urinary infection or human papillomavirus.

Is near a positive correlation between the breast size and the smooth of oestrogen?

It's really frail blood. Your clean blood is bright red. Nothing to verbs just about. :)

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Idk what to be exact but you should see a could enjoy an infection!

Light bleeding 4-5 days after spell??

I would consult my gyn. It distinctly does not nouns common.

Any pointers for lifting my breast, they are sink terrifically low??

Wouldn't be asking a bunch of strange inhabitants but I wouldn't know. Go to a doctor and explane what it be (even though embarassing). I don't suppose that black discharge would be "normal".

Vaginal scratch?

it sounds approaching a blood clot nought to verbs in the region of unless you own it continuously

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My period end for give or take a few 5-7 days, and the second 2 days it get really grey. I'm guessing close to the nurse say, it's basically outdated blood. Since it take longer for my blood to come out, anything is disappeared up at hand get infirm and shadows. And you said your time of year last longer than usual, so you wouldn't be used to the color metamorphosis.
Hope I help

I am wondering almost this procedure?

its newly really behind the times blood coming out. dont be worried. its average.

would hip stretching excersises impose the hip bone to stretch out more and as a consequence appear wider?

Why don't you try douching out afterwards you wouldn't hold antiquated blood inside of you. Groose
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