Period is longer than usual after endoscopy?

I have an endoscopy done roughly speaking a week ago... i found out i hold an carbuncle. I get my interval tuesday and its in a minute friday and i still enjoy it. I other win my interval on a wednesday and its over by thursday darkness gratefulness to my birth control. Im going on leave subsequent week and i dont want to own my spell consequently. Is this run of the mill?


what do you do when you see you own fall backbone into your 'elderly ways'?

I dream up it might newly be that you be stressed by the findings of the endoscopy. Also, if the doctors enjoy given you medicine for your swelling, this might be interacting near your BCPs and cause your time to be a bit longer than you're used to.

Either road, I would endeavour to guess that your term will most possible stop in the first 1 or 2 days of your moving pills, so only bring some protection beside you...JUST within bag...and enjoy fun on your trip. There are worse things in the world than a extent on your time off, believe me.
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