Can falling off a trampoline break your hymen and if you were bleeding?


What is.?

It's unlikely, but possible. If the bleeding is brawny or overcast rusty brown see a doctor asap, but if it's a bright red and exceedingly minimal and it stops like greased lightning, next ir probably be the hymen and you're ok.

I find dry during sex I own tried using lubricants but they seem to be to supply me infections any suggestions on what

yes it can bleeding should be minimal!

should i be concerned?

Ummmm, you do know where on earth your hymen is? The single means of access for your hymen to break is if you enjoy intercourse, and that channel inside. Falling stale a tramp wont' do that.

Hope this help, except, do a go through on that word. Good luck! And if anyone here tell you otherwise, dont' recompense attention, they're playing you.

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Sports and athletics have be prearranged to break a hymen. But, simply falling bad? Most credible the buzz did it more so than the fall- assuming you are still a virgin and haven't have intercourse or inserted something in your vagina.

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hahah as expected you couldve broken your hymen if you fell stale of a trampoline...

if you land on a pole and it go up your vagayayay

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If your hymen did break, it's more promising that the performance of jump on the trampoline did it; things approaching dance own be certain to break hymens, so why not jump on a trampoline? (By the path, this have no effect on your virginity; some girls are even born next to no hymen at adjectives, and they're still virgins.) The single course falling would be the predictable culprit is if you land near your legs really spread apart or completed up beside something (a stick, the side of the trampoline, etc.) between your legs when you fell.
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