White blood cell disorder?

i enjoy released a white blood cell everyday, when i check my undies theres other a distinct of it. Is it ordinary or not because i ask my officemate on the subject of this and she have'nt be experiencing of this.

hope you could make available me an answer of this.


What does it denote when you haven't have sex for 9+ months and when you do own sex, it hurts and you bleed?

what you see on your undies are not white blood cell, those are basically some secretion from your vagina (it's in white color because it's dried up). All women own that, it's basically some are more distinct than the others or bury more than the others. So it's if truth be told usual.

You might want to ask yourself the following Qs: does your vagina itch? Do you surface some charitable of burning sensation when urinating? and is in attendance some style of foul oder beside your discharge. If you answer yes to adjectives Qs, you might hold vaginal infection. Go aim a gynecologist and she/he will agree to you know what kindly of infection you own (yeast infection or bacterial infection). However, if your answer is "no" to adjectives the Qs, next you are fine.

Tampon relief required please?

You release white blood cell everyday? How on planet do you see them? How do you know its white blood cell and not red?
Maybe you should speak about us what exactly do you find in your undies.

tubes tied?

if u are releasing white blood cell that routine youll die soon walk ask your doctor

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