Is it true in the region of period? GIRLS/WOMEN ONLY!!?

Is it true that you have to weigh at least 40 kgs (88 lbs, more or less 6 stone 4) to get your periods? I be set to, I KNOW everyone's different, but I heard this IN GENERAL from my paediatrician. (I'm 15, 4'10/11" and about 37 kilos, or going on for 82 lbs, about 5 stone 11 and never had mine, growth be stunted). So, does this mean I'm not likely to enjoy to wait much longer? Again, I KNOW everyone's different, and could start before or after 40 kilos (e.g. my sister's 45.7 kilos and hasn't have her but is about to, we think), but in standard, is this true?

Answers:    There isn't really an exact number like that. It matters if you're underweight because that affects your hormones. But if 88 lbs is a tough body weight for your height later it shouldn't affect your period.
82 pounds at 4'10" makes you underweight. 88 - 89 pounds puts you *just* surrounded by the range of normal substance, so this may be what your doctor was referring to.

At 45.7 kilos if your sister is old adequate and under 5'2" she could get her term.

I've sourced a BMI calculator so you can see the healthy weight ranges..
Its true that if you are too skinny, you won't procure your period till much later surrounded by puberty. Its the same thing that skinny girls won't receive as large boobs because the body takes large from your body to make the hormones it needs to start developing. So if you are skinny near like no fat at adjectives on you, the body has no fat to use to formulate the hormones to develop. I was supposed to have mine within around 4th grade. My family history within are a lot of "early bloomers" i suppose you want to phone up them that. But I was the last to hold my period. last year. I be eleven. But my point is, every one is different. I'm not sure weight has anything to do next to your "non-periodness" yah know? But life will seem strong with out it now but be bright and breezy. Why? Because you can't get pregnant for awhile which should be a relief for most girls. You can't predict your time, but you can tell the signs. Like mood swings and cramps. if you start to get those, start wear pad to be safe every day..
It is different for every girl/woman and the approach that your body develops certainly affects it. My sister was almost 16 when she first get her period and until that time had never worn more than a US size 4-6 and be 5 feet 8 inches tall. I equally started when I was ten, however by that time I was already wearing a US bra size 36B-C. I know that smaller girls, especially ones that exercise alot or compete contained by a lot of sports tend to be older when they develop. i dont guess its solely limited to that. its multiple factors have to do with your body fat percentage, (female hormones are stored contained by fat cells), genetics- of your mothers', aunts', grandmothers' age of start of their menses, individual activity stratum, and certainly any medications you may be on...

dont verbs! be a kid, u are obviously intelligent, articulate, and very developed.. besides, once they start, you will have plenty of periods for the rest of your enthusiasm; to which they will surface at the most inopportune times; when you will wish "Gee, I wish i didnt hold my period!!".
No,your weight doesn't effect your term.The only time weight can effect your time of year is if you are malnourished or if you suffer from an eating disorder.This can hitch your period,or if you have have your period it can stop it. i think it's simply a rough estimate. there's no exact point when girls get their period or a cargo. but generally, i think that if someone's passageway under that weight, it could be firm for the body to be mature enough for those change to happen.

good luck.
Look, tons of my friends started when we were in 5th & 6th category and wieghed about 75-80 pounds. I still didn't start until I was surrounded by 7th grade. My friend Kim started at 10 y/o. Very petite asian girl. Size has nought to do with it. I think it might relieve if you knew when your Mother started her period for the first time. If you are underweight to the point for man malnourished then that probably would suspension your period. I don't think increase has much to do with it..
hey, youre the being who said i was wrong about proverb all disney girls are sluts, and now i know why:you are terrifically young. :-p
but anyways, you should have your interval by 16, if not, see a doctor. I don't think it have to do with your weight, but more of your curvy content in your body. When females' bodies lose a lot of corpulent in a short period of time, they won't take their period..
Your as short as me(:
but im only 14.
and yeahh i hear it was true to
from my paediatrician too.
but im only 89lbs and i have my period a year ago
so idk..
I've never been told you stipulation to be a specific weight to get your extent. It's more about going through puberty. I know some girls as young as 10 who weigh smaller quantity than that and have gotten their periods. No you should ask your mother when she have her period it's different no matter what your immensity is. Period is something that comes when your like mature adequate to handle it I think. .
im really not sure but i suggest that everybodys body is different so people get their period at different ages and weights this isn't true. since it happens to most girls around the age of 11-14, they're around 40kgs, so that'd be why they said that..
i was told that too ecepti be told 45kg im not sure if it is true,i think it is i have never hear that...but if yoy are really skinny then you could loose it..
I really don't know...
but my friend is 4'11, and she has hers...
and she's around that solidity.
no it isnt. im a nurse and ive never heard of such a fact. no..
no i hold no idea- good question.
I don't consider so, everyone is different... it all depends on when you are ready... kg's? oh, you aren't american. Uh... i dont expect so but i would go to a health website to ask that.
Some relations are just different like that. Just because you become over 40 kgs, I don't presume it increases the chances for your period to come... I assume it just depends on how fast/slow your body matures, so I don`t know you should see your figure or something (because a friend of mine looks kinda like a 3rd grader even though she's already within 5th grade [I had my first time at the end of 4th grade] and she hasn't had her peroid yet)... But get around some pads just contained by case, it would suck if you started at school at didn't enjoy any (the school nurse should have some, but I find it really REALLY crushing to have to go over to the clinic and seize some).

Sorry if I was no help at adjectives! ^_^;;

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