Tanning after a c-section?

i am having a scheduled c-section coming up and really involve to tan for summer after. i am wondering how long after i should wait to sunburn?

i know that tanning is bad for my skin, and i don't care, so don't enlighten me about it.
and i don't need answers that consist of, " i am suprised you hold time to tan with a newborn" i own a husband that is actually worth something and will cheerfully watch the baby so i can steal 20 mins out of my day to tan.
(sorry if those 2 points nouns rude, i looked up previous answers to the same question that someone else asked and the answers posted be just lectures on the dangers of tanning and smart remarks almost not having time to tan)

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well amanda panda..after my c booth i waited about 1 1/2-2 weeks to suntan! but i wouldnt recommend using lotion on ur c section scar bc the doc usually say to leave that area drier than the others for awhile (at least possible my doc did)! so about 2 weeks after u should b good to turn :)

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I would think that a little sun would be righteous for the cut and you, being a new mom.the time soaking up the rays will do ya righteous and give you a break I am a sun person as okay so go enjoy the sun. Just scrutinize that your incision doesn't get burn't for that will be really tender for a while. good luck

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You should not suntan until your scars turn white, or they will turn permanently red!

Even if you hold a swimsuit on top of the scars, they can and DO turn for good red through the swimsuit.

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You shouldn't tan it's bad for your skin. Plus how would you even enjoy time for that with a newborn?

Pretty embarassing...?

Honestly, I would ask your doctor. I am a tanner so I won't lecture you! Plus, if skin cancer is caught timely, it more than feasible won't kill you, it is the most curable form of cancer, and I prefer to be "bronzed." I think it make everyone look so much better to have some color and not be ghost white.
The lone thing is.
one you'll have an instigate incision basically, you don't want sweat or lotion to get contained by there I am assuming, so you can't become infected, so I would probably wait until it's pretty much heal! Also...it might cause damage to your organs?

I wouldn't trust someone on womenanswers.org!!
I'd ask the doc, he'll enlighten you, just tell him you know it isn't apt, and all the risks involved, but you enjoy tanning. Also..tanning will help out you with your "post partem" if you have any symptoms, because the uva and uvb lights create endorphins to construct you happy!! Good luck!!

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